Timeline of Bush Failures
A Timeline of Failure — In These Times
This says it all – skim the events of the timeline and then you tell me that Bush is a good choice for President!
A Timeline of Failure — In These Times
This says it all – skim the events of the timeline and then you tell me that Bush is a good choice for President!
9 thoughts on “Timeline of Bush Failures”
King of Debt-
Reagan was King with 1700 Billon and Bush will replace him with an awesome 3759 Billion Increase in Debt.
Bush 2005 Budget-Five Year Forecast–Historical Tables 116-117.
CUT GOV–Reagan said it many times. But, he increased the size of government more than any president. He increased Spending by 80%. Some Cut.
Reagan cut by 750 Billion but borrowed 1700 Billion to pay for it.
Reagan Income Tax Revenue Increase was 140 Billion. Little short of 750.
Bush cut 1700 Billion but will borrow 3759 Billion to pay for it.
Democrat Presidents use Fiscal Policies which Spend but Tax to Pay Their Way.
Republican Presidents Spend But Borrow and let our kids pay tomorrow.
From 1921 to 2004 Democrat Presidents created an average of 1,800,000 (rounded)new jobs per year.
Republican Presidents created an average of 800,000 per year.
Which party would you want managing your business.
clarence swinney
political historian
burlington nc
“I’m a Recovering Drunk” said Bush
My interpretation of this remark he made to a group of recovering addicts in Iowa per Judy Keen of USA Today.
“I’m on a Walk just like you and it is a never ending Walk as far as I’m concerned”
Judy Keen wrote it. Will any reporter ask him about it?
No President did more to combat Terrorism than President Clinton.
The record is too extensive to post
google search clarence swinney + clinton terrorism
Just for the record, under Richard Clarke’s leadership as Czar of Counterterrorism:.
· CLINTON developed the nation’s first anti-terrorism policy, and appointed first national coordinator of anti-terrorist efforts.
· Bill Clinton stopped cold the Al Qaeda millennium hijacking and bombing plots.
· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to kill the Pope.
· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up 12 U.S. jetliners simultaneously.
· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up UN Headquarters.
· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up FBI Headquarters.
· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up the Israeli Embassy in Washington.
· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up Boston airport.
· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up Lincoln and Holland Tunnels in NY.
· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up the George Washington Bridge.
· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up the US Embassy in Albania.
· Bill Clinton tried to kill Osama bin Laden and disrupt Al Qaeda through preemptive strikes (efforts denounced by the G.O.P.).
· Bill Clinton brought perpetrators of first World Trade Center bombing and CIA killings to justice.
· Bill Clinton did not blame the Bush I administration for first World Trade Center bombing even though it occurred 38 days after Bush left office. Instead, worked hard, even obsessively — and successfully — to stop future terrorist attacks.
· Bill Clinton named the Hart-Rudman commission to report on nature of terrorist threats and major steps to be taken to combat terrorism.
· Bill Clinton sent legislation to Congress to tighten airport security. (Remember, this is before 911) The legislation was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the airlines.
· Bill Clinton sent legislation to Congress to allow for better tracking of terrorist funding. It was defeated by Republicans in the Senate because of opposition from banking interests.
· Bill Clinton sent legislation to Congress to add tagents to explosives, to allow for better tracking of explosives used by terrorists. It was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the NRA.
· Bill Clinton increased the military budget by an average of 14 per cent, reversing the trend under Bush I.
· Bill Clinton tripled the budget of the FBI for counterterrorism and doubled overall funding for counterterrorism.
· Bill Clinton detected and destroyed cells of Al Qaeda in over 20 countries.
· Bill Clinton created national stockpile of drugs and vaccines including 40 million doses of smallpox vaccine.
· Of Clinton’s efforts says Robert Oakley, Reagan Ambassador for Counterterrorism: “Overall, I give them very high marks” and “The only major criticism I have is the obsession with Osama”.
· Paul Bremer, current Civilian Administrator of Iraq disagrees slightly with Robert Oakley as he believed the Bill Clinton Administration had “correctly focused on bin Laden.
· Barton Gellman in the Washington Post put it best, “By any measure available, Bill Clinton left office having given greater priority to terrorism than any president before him” and was the “first administration to undertake a systematic anti-terrorist effort”.
Clinton on Terrorism
Angeles plot foiled.
President Clinton led the fight against terrorism over strong opposition from Republicans in Congress and the pro-Republican Media. Here’s a partial – yet incredibly long – list of accomplishments against terrorism for which the Clinton Administration gets almost no credit or even recognition. President Clinton:
— sent legislation to Congress to TIGHTEN AIRPORT SECURITY. (Remember, this is before 911) The legislation was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the airlines.
— sent legislation to Congress to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF TERRORIST FUNDING. It was defeated by Republicans in the Senate because of opposition from banking interests.
— sent legislation to Congress to add tagents to explosives, to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF EXPLOSIVES USED BY TERRORISTS. It was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the NRA.
When Republicans couldn’t prevent executive action, President Clinton:
— Developed the nation’s first anti-terrorism policy, and appointed first national coordinator.
— Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up 12 U.S. jetliners simultaneously.
— Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up UN Headquarters.
— Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up FBI Headquarters.
— Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up the Israeli Embassy in Washington.
–Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up Boston airport.
— Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up Lincoln and Holland Tunnels in NY.
— Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up the George Washington Bridge.
— Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up the US Embassy in Albania.
— Tried to kill Osama bin Laden and disrupt Al Qaeda through preemptive strikes (efforts denounced by the G.O.P.).
— Brought perpetrators of first World Trade Center bombing and CIA killings to justice.
— Did not blame Bush I administration for first World Trade Center bombing even though it occurred 38 days after they had left office. Instead, worked hard, even obsessively — and successfully — to stop future terrorist attacks.
— Named the Hart-Rudman commission to report on nature of terrorist threats and major steps to be taken to combat terrorism.
— Tripled the budget of the FBI for counterterrorism and doubled overall funding for counterterrorism.
— Detected and destroyed cells of Al Qaeda in over 20 countries
— Created a national stockpile of drugs and vaccines including 40 million doses of smallpox vaccine.
— Robert Oakley, Reagan Counterterrorism Czar says of Clinton’s efforts “Overall, I give them very high marks” and “The only major criticism I have is the obsession with Osama”
— Paul Bremer, Bush’s Administrator of Iraq disagrees slightly with Robert Oakley saying he believed the Clinton Administration had “correctly focused on bin Laden. ”
— Barton Gellman of the Washington Post put it best, “By any measure available, Clinton left office having given greater priority to terrorism than any president before him” and was the “first administration to undertake a systematic anti-terrorist effort.”
Here, in stark contrast, is part of the Bush-Cheney anti-terrorism record before September 11, 2001:
— Backed off Clinton administration’s anti-terrorism efforts.
— Shelved the Hart-Rudman report.
— Appointed new anti-terrorism task force under Dick Cheney. Group did not even meet before 9/11.
— Called for cuts in anti-terrorism efforts by the Department of Defense.
— Gave no priority to anti-terrorism efforts by Justice Department.
— Ignored warnings from Sandy Berger, Louis Freeh, George Tennant, Paul Bremer, and Richard Clarke about the urgency of terrorist threats.
— Halted Predator drone tracking of Osama bin Laden.
— Did nothing in wake of August 6 C.I.A. report to president saying Al Qaeda attack by hijack of an airliner almost certain.
— Bush – knowing about the terrorists’ plans to attack in America, warned that terrorists were in flight schools in the US – took a four week vacation.
— By failing to order any coordination of intelligence data, missed opportunity to stop the 9/11 plot as Clinton-Gore had stopped the millennium plots.
— Blamed President Clinton for 9/11.
© Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by MikeHersh.com and identified authors. MikeHersh.com invites you to broadcast any
check this source:
is Bush using 2001 plot?
Hillary said You get Two for One.
WOW! What a Bargin for America.
Can she duplicate it?
GDP–rose from 6300 to11,600
NATIONAL INCOME-5,000 to 8,000 Billion–
JOBS CREATED—237,00 per month to replace Jimmy Carter record of 218,000.
AVERAGE WEEKLY HOURS WORKED–never hit 35.0–hit that mark 4 times in 80’s
UNEMPLOYMENT–from 7.2% down down down to as low as 3.9%
MINIMUM WAGE–$4.25 to $5.15
MINORITIES–did exceedingly well
HOME OWNERSHIP–hit all time high (no big deal most can say this-except Reagan)
DEFICIT–290 Billion to whoopee a SURPLUS
DEBT—-+28%—300% increase over prior 12 years by Conservatives.
FEDERAL SPENDING–+28%—+80% under Reagan- who is da true conservative?
DOW JONES AVERAGE—3,500 to 11,800 all it’s history to get to 3500 and Clinton zooms it
NASDAQ–700 to 5,000—all of it’s history to get to 700 and Clinton zooms it
VALUES INDEXES– almost all bad went down–good went up in zoom zoom zoom
FOREIGN AFFAIRS–Peace on Earth good will toward each other—Mark of a true Christian–what has Bush done to Peace on Earth?
POPULARITY—highest poll ratings in history during peacetime in AFRICA, ASIA AND EUROPE . Even 98.5% in Moscow–left office with Highest Gallup rating since it was started in 1920’s.
STAND UP FOR JUSTICE–evil conservatives spent $110,000,000 on hearings and investigations and caught one very evil man who took a few plane rides to events.
BOW YOUR HEADS—“Thank you God for sending us a man of Bill Clinton’s character, intelligence, knowledge of governance, ability to face up to crises without whimpering and a great leader of the world. Amenâ€.
clarence swinney-political historian-Lifeaholics of America- burlington nc
Why do not Democrats promote great accomplishments instead of getting caught in debates on divisive issues which are of less importnce to the middle class and lower class?? Confuses me.
——————– SHOCK & AWE————————
1.From Harding In 1921 to Bush in 2003
2.Democrats held White House for 40 years and Republicans for 42.5 years.
3.Democrats created 75,820,000 net new jobs — Republicans 36,440,000.
4.Per Year Average—Democrats 1,825,200—Republicans 856,400.
5.Republicans had 9 presidents during the period and 6 had depression or recession.
6.Republicans had a recession/depression in 177 months and Democrats in 32 months.
7.DOW—1928 to 2003—Stock market gained 11% average per year under D presidents versus 2% under R presidents. Small Cap stocks gained 18% as yearly average under D and minus 3% under R.
8.GDP—grew by 43% more under Democrats.
Comparing Democrat’s hero-CLINTON—versus Republican’s hero–REAGAN
1.JOBS—grew by 43% more under Clinton.
2.GDP—grew by 57% more under Clinton.
3.DOW—grew by 700% more under Clinton..
4.NASDAQ-grew by 18 times as much under Clinton.
4.SPENDING–grew by 28% under Clinton—80% under Reagan.
5.DEBT—grew by 43% under Clinton—187% under Reagan.
6. DEFICITS—Clinton got a large surplus–grew by 112% under Reagan.
7.NATIONAL INCOME—grew by100% more under Clinton.
8.PERSONAL INCOME—Grew by 110% more under Clinton.
SOURCES—Bureau of Labor Statistics (www.BLS.Gov)–Economic Policy Institute (EPI.org)—Global & World Almanacs from 1980 to 2003 (annual issues)
http://www.the-hamster.com (chart taken from NY Times)
National Archives History on Presidents. http://www.nara.gov
LA Times 10-11-00 on Market–www.Find articles.com
A vote for a Republican is a vote for Less Success.
A vote to reduce the Standard of Living for all Americans.
Clarence Swinney-Political Historian-Lifeaholics of America-Retired
I appreciate these figures, Clarence – but why all on one post, and an old one at that?
The Conservatives wandered in the wilderness from Coolidge until Reagan.
When Nixon resigned they went crazy with Hatred.
Reagan gave then a Soap Box to spread hatred.
When my Lord Clinton stomped Bush I they exploded with fury of Madness and Hatred.
They had a Congress whose leading spokesperson said in 1994 “If we get Congress we will investigate every decision made by this administrationâ€.
True to his word Congress spent, according to GAO ($110,000,000), on Hearings and Investigations of the Clinton administration.
Their hatred became very abusive through right wing radio talk shows like Mush Dimbaugh who was recorded as spreading over 10,000 LIES(intent to deceive) in 4,000 hours of his transcripts. Edit by FAIR. Author’s extrapolation.
Their smearing of Clinton was local.
Now, the self-admitted Recovering Alcoholic Bush has made us a Worldwide Laughing Stock.
South America is electing leaders who exhibit true Christian virtues like “Care for the Least Amongst theeâ€.
World leaders who have met him laugh at his ignorance.
Oh! How I long for another Clinton Type leader.
One who is exceptionally intelligent
One who knows Governance.
One who truly cares about America.
One who cares for the less fortunate.
One who knows democracies thrive under a hugh middle class.
One who when he gets wealth uses it to do good for the least amongst us.
One who knows that when a small percent own the majority of the nation’s wealth
A Christian God will not allow them to survive for centuries.
The lower 80% will Revolt.
Had Clinton kept his zipper zapped I would put him on the Empire State Building in lights 100 feet high.
I love Bill Clinton. Very much.
Clarence Swinney
Political Historian since 1991 of Reagan-Clinton-Bush II administrations.
President-Retired-Lifeaholics of America
Thanks for the facts! Good that someone is keeping up with the Democrats successes.