Universal Light Award

Universal Light Award

I am pleased (and a little floored) to be among the very first recipients of the Universal Light Award!

I created this award to honor those sweet souls that share the light.

Love and light to you.

I have received several awards from some of my favorite blogs in the last few weeks. I’m honored and blessed by the women and men that inspire me through their blogs, as well as share their thoughts and comments on mine.

Sharing light is simple and free. It costs nothing.

The more we inspire others the more we are placing goodness in this world.

We all need a little encouragement to continue our journey. Pass it on to people that share the light!

Much gratitude, Kimmy! I love the idea of the light circuit that is implied here, and so I give your award back to you!

Universal Light Award
Universal Light Award

Among those who blog, these are the ones that come to mind right away when I think about what lifts my spirits, encourages me, and provides the kinds of questions and thoughts that help me to thrive. Gratitude to you! Love, light and laughter!

And I’m holding one for you Elainna, whenever you start a blog! (smile)

8 thoughts on “Universal Light Award

  1. Thank you, Heidi, for the honor to share this gift with me 🙂 Sorry for the long time I spent out; I was sick and kinda offline because of activities at university.

    Happy belated Thanksgiving!!

    Big hugs!

  2. Congratulations for a completely deserved award. As far as starting a blog of my own, I\’ll have to wait until I get a new Imac and put a dictation program on it. My darn hands are becoming increasingly unstable.

  3. My dear friend Heidi, Thank you so much for thinking of me and honoring me with this beautiful and thoughtful award. It’s true friends like you that inspire me to reach further every day and I wish you could know how much I appreciate and love you. Goddess blessings! )O(

    Beverly´s last blog post – You Are Never Small

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