For Ex-JWs – Sites to Explore
Sites for Recovering Jehovah’s Witnesses to Explore
Scroll to the bottom if you’re not in the mood for this!
Over the years, I’ve noted that the quality and helpfulness of former JW sites varies quite a bit. Some are very angry, while others are more compassionate. Some are able to create spaces to share insights with one another, some are more combative with peers. Some are focused on biblical interpretation, others on issues like abuse and shunning. More recently, I’ve noticed an upsurge of writers that – like myself – have focused on what it takes to follow your own path and walk an authentic spirituality that is not particularly driven by past experiences. I’ve also found a decrease in the purple prose, and more of a matter-of-fact approach that comes with time and experience.
I developed a list of online resources for ex-JWs some time ago, but here’s a more updated list.
These cover a range of thoughts and approaches. Check them out!
- Ex-JWs Forum and Recovery Site
- Ex JWs Net
- Progressive Ex-JWs
- I’m Perfect, You’re Doomed
- Letters from the Governing Body (satire)
- Dwindling in Unbelief (problematic scriptures)
- Out of the Cocoon
- Freeminds Bloggers
- Doc Bob’s Information For and About Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Conversations with an ex Jehovah’s Witness
- Superstitions Antidote
- Saved from the Watchtower
- Love Ministries
- I’m Spiritual, Not Religious
- Don’t Be Scared! I’m Just an Apostate
- JW Files – Research on Jehovah’s Witnesses
- The Truth about Jehovah’s Witnesses
- JW Facts
- Religion News Blog
- Watchtower News
- Randy TV
- Videos about Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Death or Obedience
- The Watchman’s Post
- Tower Watcher
- Six Screens of the Watchtower
- And yes – I will give kudos to the famous (and to some, infamous) Danny Haszard. His approach is not mine, but I admire all the work he’s done to raise awareness.
Some of that is pretty dark.
Now you need something else, don’t you?
My dear friend Lin shared an article with me on disfunctional beliefs that former Jehovah’s Witnesses might still carry with them.
It probably helps that she herself is not a JW or a former JW. She really has a handle on the central problem of how some aspects of the Watchtower psychology/ideology prevent their adherents ( and post-adherents) from leaving, loving, and thriving. I think some of us would go further and reject the very word “apostate” because its connectations are too deeply ingrained.
Not only is the article itself an excellent resource for former Jehovah’s Witnesses, but I’m very impressed with the quality of the whole site – Mindful Construct. I wish that all recovering JWs had access to such an insightful and caring cognitive counsellor, someone who could interact with them in just this way. And – I was honored that my tips for former JWs article was linked as a resource!
Here, try these too:
- Kimmy Sharing Light
- Soul Meets World
- Holy Cuteness
- Symphony of Love
- Inner Realm
- Be Inspired
- Spiritual Cowgirl
- Blog of the Grateful Bear
- Blog of Revelation
- Theospora
- Anamchara – Website of Unknowing
Oh – and watch the sublime Sister Wendy talk about art whenever you can. She functions for me in much the same way that Mr. Rogers did when I was a child.
6 thoughts on “For Ex-JWs – Sites to Explore”
I appreciate you bringing attention to the article on Mindful Construct. Having been born and raised JW, and leaving it many years ago, I could relate to her article.
It’s a shame when labels like “apostate” are so easily thrown around and used against former JW’s, but I refuse to allow my former life as a JW and being labeled like that to get me down. I would call myself a Spiritual person at this point in my life, but definitely not “religious”. Sites like the ones you have listed above are great resources for people who have left the JW’s or are considering leaving. After awhile of being part of various ex-jw forums and message boards, I found it better for me to just live my life happy and free without the constant barrage of jw banter. I’m free, I’m happy – who could ask for anything more?
.-= Lin´s last blog ..Abused Men: Battered and Emotionally Abused Male Victims of Domestic Violence =-.
It’s true – I don’t participate in the boards either. But sometimes they can be a good resource for others.
Lin and Heidi, thank you for sharing the article and including it with these resources, it really means a lot to me.
The word “apostate” tells me more about the person *using* the label. And how close-minded and cult-gripped they are. Really, it’s a term that only has meaning from within the organization.
One of the reasons I kept it in the title was because I figured JWs considering leaving would be curious about that wretched term, and would be Googling it, since it’s used to instill fear and keep them in.
Thanks again and I look forward to checking out those other resources. It’s an inspiration for me to see how both of you have recovered and are helping others by writing about your experiences. 🙂
Thank you for the explanation; that makes a lot of sense to me. I am reading up on your blog – it’s wonderful. Keep writing!
Hi Heidi, thank you for the link to my site. Hope you have a wonderful day.
.-= BK´s last blog ..Reunited at The Rainbow Bridge =-.
The society for ethical culture (,, a humanist organization, has lots of resources some ex-jw’s will find very useful.