Clickback America

Clickback America

Clickback America – About

Ok, here we go – Calling all Progressives Democrats Labor and Green!

At Click Back America, every time you take an action, $1 will be donated on your behalf to to pay for things like voter outreach and ads.

There is also a click race to a million if you are affiliated with a university – help your university win this race and let’s see the demographics. The top five are UCBerkeley, Univ of WA, Univ of Wisconson-Madison, Univ of Texas at Austin (Yay Texas! Good for you!), and Univ of MN-Twin Cities. Come on Harvard, Stanford, Brown, Yale, Columbia – where are you guys? Get to it, Univ of Mass Amherst and Univ of Iowa and Emory (my schools)!

Click Back America is the brain child of college friends Ari Rabin-Havt and Ben Brandzel, that builds on the work they did with organizing students to promote micro-finance in the developing world.

Join up today! Here’s a way to get your voice heard and support some good causes even if you don’t have much money to spare! Ideal for students!

Thank you so much to the supporters of this project!

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