A note about our press

A note about our press

I’ts not so much that we have outright censorship. The White House sends out press releases. It doesn’t have a whole lot of interviewing. And it they don’t like what you say, they cut off all access.

Then, it’s a matter of money. Advertisers, network owners, and so on.

But you know, last night an old girlfriend was in town. As the three of us munched down our dinner in the kitchen, my hubby John started telling us about his last trip to Paris and all the stories that were reported there… and reported very differently. Ok, some of you out there have decided to hate France – why, I’m not sure. We wouldn’t even have a democracy here without them.

He said that when he was there, the Abu Graib story was hitting the world news. He picked up LeMonde one day (the more conservative of the two major French newspapers) and it was full of testimony from prisoners that had been there.

Do you recall reading a whole lot of testimony from the people who were actually there? I don’t – maybe I just missed it.

Just one example, but there were others. It is worth checking websites and alternative news sources. Out media just isn’t what it used to (at least aim to) be.

2 thoughts on “A note about our press

  1. How true. I noticed last time I was in the States how little of what you might call “international news” was available on TV or in the press. It’s quite insular over there.

    Anyways, I just popped by because your site was in my referrer list, but after reading your articles I’ve decided to add your feed to my reader. It’s good stuff and nice to hear some balanced views from America.

    James. (A Brit)

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