4 thoughts on “GWBush04.com

  1. Haha, actually it is closer to “vote for me and there will be no more elections.” We will just give him a throne and crown and be done with it. Arg.

  2. BTW, are you aware of what is going on with the 9/11 report (another one) which is being withheld by CIA? Bush? until after the election? Congress requested (demanded) a copy 2 weeks ago by the CIA won’t give it to them. It allegedly “names names” of higher ups (Bush?) behaved badly.
    Here is the link to my take on the story and there is a link to Sheer who wrote the damn thing:

  3. Yes, I saw yr posting and others and I think blogged it – I’ve been signing petitions like crazy. That 9/11 report should be released before the election – doubt it will, though.

  4. This is too great. And it’s not that far from the truth. This administration scares the you-know-what out of me. I have a feeling that if he’s elected (notice I didn’t say re-elected) that we are in for some deep shit.

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