STOP the Sinclair propaganda machine!
STOP the Sinclair propaganda machine!
This site lets you send an email to all of Sinclair’s advertisers.
You can add comments to the standard message. Nicely done.
“Because you are an advertiser on affiliates owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group, I am sending you this email to ask that you not support or buy advertising time from any television station that masquerades biased and one-sided politics as “news.” “Stolen Honor,” a so-called “documentary” about John Kerry and his Vietnam War experience, is the perfect example of one-sided broadcasting. It has been announced that Sinclair Broadcast Group is forcing its affiliate stations to preempt regularly scheduled programs to air the anti-Kerry story just days before the election. In the eyes of millions of Americans who want their public airwaves used responsibly, this behavior is just wrong.
Understand that I am not writing to you to push my own political agenda. Most Americans who value a balanced media would be equally upset to see a liberal documentary like “Fahrenheit 9/11” being forced on station affiliates as a news item. Think what you will of John Kerry and George Bush, neither “Stolen Honor” nor “Fahrenheit 9/11” amounts to news.
The citizens of this country do not want the media to become polarized. Like Blue States and Red States, we do not want Blue Channels and Red Channels.
As an advertiser, you are in a unique position to defend a balanced media, which makes our democracy possible. You are also in a position to protect your image, which may suffer if you silently allow Sinclair’s pressure tactics. There is talk of boycotts. Americans are organizing through the power of the internet. You can protect your brand’s image by voicing our concerns to Sinclair and by refusing to associate yourself with bad politics. “
One thought on “STOP the Sinclair propaganda machine!”
I seem to be having difficulty with that link. Will try again later.