Election Night

Election Night

OK, it’s 11:07 PM

We’ve got a string of republicans. While we already really had a republican in Zell Miller, this time it’s official. We did get Cynthia McKinny back, but I’m still not sure whether she is more of a pro or a con. She’ll raise the issues stridently, but I don’t know how effective it will be.

The presidential race is running at about 51% Bush to 48% Kerry. It looks like Florida might not even come in tonight – with 1.5 million absentee ballots that have to be run by hand (why so many?). The West Coast hasn’t come in.

I’m disappointed by the young people – they are evenly split, and turned out only at 17% – the same as the last election. Where are the 18-29s?

It also looks real bad for the ban on gay marriage – or the “protection of the definition of a marriage as between a man and a woman.” From the first numbers anyway, it looks like nearly every state that had it on the ballot voted yes. Including here, by a sweep of 76% with 86% of precincts reporting. Hardliner republicans are sweeping races across the country.

I can’t believe it. I truly can’t believe that with everything this adminstration is doing – and it’s perfectly transparent – that anyone could vote for them. You have to admire the propaganda machine. But I am so so so disappointed in this country.

Oh, my America – hold on to your seatbelts. If we don’t get rid of Cheney, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft, Rumsfield and Co – you are not going to believe what is coming.

I am staying up as long as I can. Maybe Ohio and Florida will come through still.

Tomorrow will be a tough day regardless – my hubby has a full day of tough medical treatment and I have promised to be there with him.

No more blogging tonight. I’ll fall asleep in front of the tv. This is one time that I wish we weren’t stuck with network television. Man, I was just starting to like Georgia.

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