Another Murdered JW Family

Another Murdered JW Family

In the latest case of a JW losing it and killing family members, either the father or the mother of Jairo, Denise and Denia Meza slit their thoats. The mother Marbely Meza, 30, was found with knife wounds. Both she and the father, Denis Meza, 39, were found in the ruins of the house that had been set on fire after the children were murdered. No attempt to escape. A little girl showed signs of rape as well. shows the collected articles on the case.

I hope that the authorities are starting to put these cases together in terms of the high statistical probability of JWs having psychological problems. It is a toss-up as to whether it is more the case that the religion attracts people with problems or creates them.

One of the earlier cases involved the Kostelniuk family in Burnaby, British Columbia. The mother remarried a JW man who subsequently molested the children after which he murdered the family when placed under pressure. A book was written by the children’s biological father called “Wolves among Sheep.”

In 1995 in Atlanta GA, the Barton case was again a father slaughtering his wife and children – and other folks too. He was under financial stress. Christian Longo in Washington strangled his three small children and his wife, threw them in suitcases and threw them in the ocean. JW father Bryant took shotgun and murdered his four children and wife before turning the gun on himself.

Children have murdered their parents too. The Freeman brothers cited their JW upbringing as influential on how they felt about themselves and their family after becoming skinheads. They killed their parents and their brother.

Keep up with JWs in the News. The news is all bad.

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