American Agenda Simply Off Track
Here’s what we should all be pulling for – it’s from FDR’s “Four Freedoms speech,” on January 6, 1941:
“The basic things expected by our people of their political and economic systems are simple. They are:
Equality of opportunity for youth and for others.
Jobs for those who can work.
Security for those who need it.
The ending of special privilege for the few.
The preservation of civil liberties for all.
The enjoyment of the fruits of scientific progress in a wider and constantly rising standard of living.
These are the simple, the basic things that must never be lost sight of in the turmoil and unbelievable complexity of our modern world. The inner and abiding strength of our economic and political systems is dependent upon the degree to which they fulfill these expectations.”
To the extent that our current regime certainly appears to be against all or most of these goals, I am opposed to their agenda. Isn’t it time they recalled what their duties to the United States of American really are? Or, as many think, do they know and remember, and simply not care?
3 thoughts on “American Agenda Simply Off Track”
Please give me some evidence or facts concerning your claim that the President and his administration are against these “expectations”.
What are the duties of the Office of President?
Is one duty to provide me with a job? What President do you give credit for your job, Virus Head? The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Feb. 4, 2005 a unemployment rate of 5.2%. Europe, however, boasts a proud double digit unemployment rate.
Special privileges for the few, give me a break. Name one country that doesn’t have a social hierarchy. Even your communist countries have special privileges for the few. Please. What about India. Nope, the Caste system was even used to decide who got how much humanitarian aid during Tsunami relief. The untouchables or Harijan got to be the lucky ones who had dead bodies buried in their villages. What about England, they have the Royal Family, Iran has the Mullahs, Iraq had the Hussein Regime. Please help me. I can’t think of any place that doesn’t have some sort of social hierarchy. Well, except for the utopia as defined by Marx and Engles.
So, What are the duties of the Office of the President. Are they to tuck us into bed each night, hold our hand as we go to our job interview or promise us that we will get that job. I say No. However, it is hard to understand that today in a society that is so give me give me. Many of today’s Americans do not know what it is to be free. They don’t want freedom, all they ask for is a benevolent dictator. Far to many Americans do not understand, nor do they want to understand our system of government. Heck, most probably think our country is a Democracy!
Ok, first you want evidence that Bush doesn’t care about these things, then I suppose you thought about THAT for a bit and starting attacking whether these things are even right to consider as part of a president’s job?
I notice that you give absolutely no information about yourself, David. Who are you? Where is your blog? Or do you not have the courage to identify yourself? Unless you provide a place for me to post comments to your blog too, I would prefer that you not bother with mine – it’s just not…. sporting.
I’m not going to get into a long diatribe on such fundamental matters as these. You clearly need to do a little research into what it means to be an American in the first place. What makes us so great? When you think about that, look around and see if those things continue and are supported.
My job? don’t make me laugh. I’m a PhD looking for a job since last August. I’m accruing $1000 a month on my student loan debt. I suppose I could thank George for my opportunity to teach as an adjunct for pennies an hour – no office, no benefits. Adjuncts are being used more and more – the universities like this corporate model too. Money money money.
I’m not in denial about a class structure. In fact, I often have to prove to my students that one exists in this country. That is not the point – the point is to fight for the people to have a chance to pursue their dreams, not to support the exploitation of the people.
And hey, I would SO much rather be unemployed in Europe. They won’t let you starve at least, and your kids can go to the doctor.