Hello world from VirusHead

Hello world from VirusHead

OK! Here is the start of my new installation of WordPress 1.5. There will be some design changes and goodie additions as I have time, but at least I finally got the database up and working, imported my blogrolls, changed my listing and rings addresses.

I’ve added categories for my 443 imported posts from the Blogger platform, but haven’t applied them yet. I still have to figure out my feed stuff, and explore design possibilites and plugins.

If anyone knows how to import comments from Blogger commenting, please let me know? The thought of doing them all by hand makes my head ache.

2 thoughts on “Hello world from VirusHead

  1. I like the site! Thanks for trying out my recent comments plugin; I’m trying out this comment to test a theory…

  2. My theory is that the plugin is breaking if there are no (approved) comments yet. Looks like my last comment was held in moderation, so I will try it out on my own server and put up a fix if that turns out to be the problem.

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