Without DeLay
Demand that Tom DeLay resign – sign the petition, then send it to your congressperson.
DeLaw used Terry Schiavo as a posterchild for his own purposes. If he cared about these matters, it would be reflected in his public policy stance. To the contrary, the republicans have been first in line to cut Medicare and Medicaid, mess with Social Security, increase poverty – and all sorts of other things to PREVENT the care of the ill and disabled. I find it highly ironic that some people actually buy the idea that he cared one bit about Mrs. Schiavo or any of the other thousands like her in this country.
Interestingly, Jesse Jackson was the only liberal brave enough to walk into this nightmare. I wish they hadn’t taken a hands-off approach. They should at least have turned attention to the policies that make life harder for the disabled. Seeing Jackson interviewed side by side against the domestic terrorist Randall Terry is something I won’t soon forget. I actually agree with what Jackson was saying. However, the whole case was intended to advance two agendas: Most importantly, it was selected in order to divert attention from DeLay’s ethical shortcomings – he himself called her “a gift from God” to protect him against “his enemies.” The second agenda, and it is becoming more obvious and blantent – confirming my first impression – is to incite hatred against those in the judiciary who enforce the law as it is their job to do, without regard for special pressures from the other branches. I applaud the judges for their courage. Since DeLay threatened them and called them “out of control” it seems once again that the “culture of life” is really about a culture of deceit, hate-mongering, and incitement to murder. Randall Terry is a great example of this – I almost lost my dinner when I saw him on television at my grandmother’s house. He is so pro-life that he announces the names of doctors to be killed, encourages harassment of women, and the bombing of family planning and abortion clinics. He should be in jail, not on tv. A couple of Randall Terry quotations:
“I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good…Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called by God to conquer this country. We don’t want equal time. We don’t want pluralism.” (Randall Terry, The News Sentinel, Fort Wayne, IN, Aug. 16, 1993)
“When I, or people like me, are running the country, you’d better flee, because we will find you, we will try you, and we will execute you. I mean every word of it. I will make it part of my mission to see to it that they are tried and executed… If we’re going to have true reformation in America, it is because men once again, if I may use a worn out expression, have righteous testoserone flowing through their veins. They are not afraid of contempt for their contemporaries. They are not even here to get along. They are here to take over.” [Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, at the Aug 8, 1995 U.S. Taxpayers Alliance Banquet in Washington DC, talking about doctors who perform abortions and volunteer escorts]
“Our enemies would throw the tough cases up in our face and say, ‘Do you actually mean you would support the stoning of a rebellious teenager?’ I fear God and I think that we would have a heck of a lot fewer rebellious teenagers if a law like that existed in America today.”
He was “consulting” for the Schindler family. I only hope that these Schindler’s are not related to the branch made famous by the movie “Schindler’s List.”
Even Republicans are finally beginning to see that DeLay is a dangerous and off-kilter character – something that liberals and progressives have known for some time.
There is a very good list of facts and offences of Tom DeLay at http://www.pcactionfund.org/withoutdelay/facts/
Please sign the petition or write directly to your congressperson. While you’re there, oppose the “nuclear option” which would end filibuster. They’ve already changed the ethics rules to protect DeLay – and he’s only gotten worse. He calls judges “out of control” for adhering to the law – what shall we call him for breaking them?
Here’s a short top ten reasons for him to resign, but go to the site for the details.
10 reasons why Tom DeLay should resign from Congress
1. Tom DeLay violates ethics rules at will, making him a national embarrassment. Indeed, he has earned four formal ethics violations, a truly rare achievement, as only five Members of Congress have been chastised by the committee in the last six years.
2. Tom DeLay embodies the worst of pay-to-play politics – he puts big donors like Enron ahead of the rest of us.
3. Tom DeLay abuses his position as House Majority Leader to trample on the legislative process and stretches the rules of campaign fundraising far as he can.
4. Tom DeLay accepted travel expenses from a registered foreign agent, in apparent violation of House rules.
5. Tom DeLay used illegal corporate contributions to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Texas voters with his anti-democratic re-districting scheme.
6. Tom DeLay uses tax dollars and government resources for partisan political gain.
7. Tom DeLay opposes any reasonable campaign finance laws, even disclosure of donations.
8. Tom DeLay shakes down small business owners for campaign contributions.
9. Tom DeLay received all expenses-paid junket from a lobbyist accused of bilking tens of millions of dollars from six Native American tribes.
10. Tom DeLay believes he is above the law.