Global Warming Virtual March

Global Warming Virtual March

Join the Stop Global Warming Virtual March and make your voice heard!

This one is big enough that it might make some waves.

Some of the other participants are:
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Senator John McCain
John H. Adams, President, NRDC
Laurie David, Founder
Senator Joe Lieberman
R. James Woolsey, former Director of Central Intelligence Agency
Senator Maria Cantwell
Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
General Wesley Clark
Andy Stern, President, SEIU
Richard Klausner, MD, Executive Director, Global Health, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Father Paul Mayer, Co-Founder of the Climate Crisis Coalition
Ross Gelbspan, Author
Gus Speth, Dean, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Al Franken, Author, Air America Radio
Leonardo DiCaprio, Actor, Environmental Activist
Martha Marks, Pres., REP America
Susan Joy Hassol, Independent Scholar
Dr. Michael Oppenheimer, Geosciences and Intern’l Affairs, Princeton University

An excerpt from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s call to action:

…we have the technology to avert catastrophic global warming. We only need to muster the political will. We must require our leadership in Washington to once again mobilize our country’s scientific and technological capacity – the way America did to win World War II against the Nazis in 1945, to put a man on the moon in 1969, and to fix the ozone crisis in 1988. Today, we need a Apollo project to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, we need our leadership to muster America’s capacity for invention and innovation, our entrepreneurial energies and our willingness to sacrifice –and deploy our invigorated nation to rescue human civilization.

Second, all the actions we must take to avert this global warming, are things America ought to be doing anyhow to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, our entanglement with petty dictators, our vulnerability to price shocks on the international oil markets, and to improve our national security, modify our trade deficits, reduce our national debt, stimulate our economy, create new jobs, and give our children clean air and water, robust health and safer, more wholesome communities. Immediate dramatic action on global warming will restore America’s global leadership and our moral authority among the nations of earth.

We are asking you to help us express your own commitment to stop global warming through a single act of community – a giant petition drive that we call the “Stop Global Warming Virtual March on Washington.” Over the next year, we will mobilize millions of Americans to join our march and make their personal commitment known by joining together to urge Washington to begin taking the steps necessary to derail global warming.

Our mandate to stop global warming transcends politics. It is a moral imperative. The battle to save the planet is the ultimate human rights struggle and, as with America’s civil rights movement, the first steps must be to mobilize citizens to remind our elected leaders of their moral obligation. Global warming is a theft of our children’s future. It is criminal and sinful.

It would mean a lot to me if you would join under my personal impact page.

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