No Response on Downing Memo Questions

No Response on Downing Memo Questions

The people of this country deserve a trustworthy commander-in-chief – and even if we don’t deserve it, it’s the nature of our democracy that we get to have it. We went berserk over a private matter that was quite inappropriately made a national issue (President Clinton), but somehow the enormity of this war deceit by President Bush hasn’t quite taken hold in the popular consciousness. President Bush has yet to answer any of these questions about the Downing Street Memo, which were submitted to him by 89 Members of Congress, led by Rep. John Conyers, Jr. on May 5, 2005. Why should he unless we make him?

1) Do you or anyone in your administration dispute the accuracy of the leaked document?

2) Were arrangements being made, including the recruitment of allies, before you sought Congressional authorization to go to war? Did you or anyone in your Administration obtain Britain’s commitment to invade prior to this time?

3) Was there an effort to create an ultimatum about weapons inspectors in order to help with the justification for the war as the minutes indicate?

4) At what point in time did you and Prime Minister Blair first agree it was necessary to invade Iraq?

5) Was there a coordinated effort with the U.S. intelligence community and/or British officials to “fix” the intelligence and facts around the policy as the leaked document states?

So far, “ignoring it” seems to be the primary strategy, which looks pretty damning. Rove, of course, tried to misdirect with comments about liberals wanting to offer therapy to terrorists – something so at odds with the facts that it is actually a sign of desperation. he has bigger issues at the moment as his lawyer tries to focus on the idea that Rove did not “knowingly” leak classified information to the press – I guess that’s the only defense against this crime, which is in this case treasonous. Should be interesting to see how Bush’s “Goebbels” (the President calls him “Turd-Blossom”) survives this one. Oh, he will.

2 thoughts on “No Response on Downing Memo Questions

  1. Makes me so angry I could spit. This administration’s response to most every meaningful question is either to ignore the question or lie. Great choice, eh? As to why the country is not responding appropriately as yet, the mainstream media is still under a bush and even more nervous than before, thanks to the current pressure on journalists by the Supremes. Plus, most Americans are still listening to the only radio available in much of the country, that being radio talk shows run by the extreme right and church services who are receiving pressure and money from the extreme right to do their bidding. This country no longer knows its collective azz from its elbow. Very sad.

  2. There are a few hopeful signs, such as the slow emergence of some christians with christian values. Air America. But in general, I agree with you. The one thing that keeps me going is that everywhere I go in America, everyone is saying the same thing: in Utah, even in Colorado, the bus drivers in Texas, the nurses and doctors, the neighbors at the block party. It may be that voices are simply not being heard. Even hard republicans are starting to find these things hard to swallow.

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