8 thoughts on “Supreme Court Nomination Blog

  1. Thanks for the link. The bloody booger is probably going to get in and it will not be a good thing for anyone who is not a white male supremist with strong corporate connections. God I hate where this , my beloved country, is headed.

  2. “God I hate where this , my beloved country, is headed. ”

    Oh please.

    The man is well-liked and respected by the vast majority of democrtas and republicans alike.

    You people don’t like anyone, unless he/she is pro-death liberal. anyone outside of that paradigm is a “bigot homophobe extremist”.

    Where’s your love of ‘tolerance’ and ‘alternative viewpoints’
    (this is why I am an ex-liberal—-there IS NO tolerance)

  3. I miss America, don’t you? These days it’s like a corporate version of the old USSR. Corporate lackeys, pseudochristian, fascist deceivers all. An honest (religious?) man does not “forget” that he was on the steering committee of the Federalists.

    Do you know that all of Bush’s judges were members? Just an interesting bit of trivia.

    He is certainly a smart man and very well trained – I guess the universities have some use after all Atkinson?

    However, he is someone who undervalues people and overvalues corporate and government control. He’s not a moderate – my only question is why they even bother to try to paint him as one.

  4. Pro-death liberal? That’s a new one. People against the death penalty, against invading foreign countries for unethical purposes, against our new gulags – people for pursuing all alternatives to war before attacking, for education and taking care of the least among us – these are the “pro-death” people to you?

    Toleration has its limits in confronting intolerance and hate. It is possible to have a limited tolerance toward intolerance….but it is difficult. You picked a strange time to become an ex-liberal, if you did – I somehow doubt it.

  5. “…against our new gulags ..”

    I’m losing patience with your arguments rapidly. If you think Gitmo is a ‘Gulag’, you’re more vapid than I imagined. Have you read ANYTHING about what the Gulag really was? Do you know how many people died there? (tehre were many ‘gulags’). Do you know , or care about the fact that not a single person out of the 520+ at gitmo has died in U.S. custody? DO FACTS MATTER?

    I’d like to seriously debate you.

    Yes, I know, I’m a bit sarcastic (not angry)
    But if you continue to bandie hyperbole around as debate, I’m out of here. Time is precious.

  6. sorry. Wrong thread. (above)

    So Roberts is a member of the Federalist Society. Democrats (really just watered down leftists now) should rejoice. The Federalists were the first big-governement-can-solve-our-problems-for-us group.

    You go on to say ‘However, he is someone who undervalues people and overvalues corporate and government control”., based on his rulings. In fact, being on an appellate bench, he does not ‘rule’ at all..He either asserts or refutes a LOWER courts rulings.

    This is why this appointment is a stroke of sheer genius. This guy is the Teflon Judge. He’s well known, well liked, devoid of controversy, and qualified beyond reproach.

    I’m sure the democrats will plumb the sewers to smear him, but it won’t work. You must be tossing and turning all night.


  7. Gulags is plural, not singular. I mean to include our own extensive (and biggest per capita in the world) prison system with its easy death penalties and sideline deaths as well as the “Gitmo” camp (why does it need to be in Cuba?), and other prison compounds in Iraq and Afghanistan – as well as the secret deals to ship out some people to countries where torture isn’t a problem at all.

    Anyway – the Federalists wish to turn back our country to the time before any amendments to the Constitution. Go, read some amendments – ready to give them all up?

    Did I say “rulings”? Perhaps in another post? It’s possible I could have been lax.

    You’re right about the Teflon – especially since we’re not allowed to read some of his arguments. He has argued strenuously against equality for women, against the rights of the handicapped, and against civil rights. But hey, I guess you’re male and strong and secure so you don’t care much about others? That’s your choice too.

    Tossing and turning personally? Yes – he has the potential to be the vote that could affect the reproductive lives of the next generation of women, for one thing. I guess you’d like that too?

    This post was a resource, not a debate. My responses are responses, not a debate. When I’m making an argument for purposes of debate, I’ll let ya know.

  8. The man is a bloody imperialist pig, no less. And, he is NOT well liked by Democrats and Republicans. He was unknown, for the most part, until there was a chance to do some digging to find out just who he is and what he stands for. The results are turning off moderate Republicans and Democrats alike, not to mention the real “lefties” of whom there are too few in my book. He is a white, male, Christian, anti-female, anti-minority, pro-corboration biggot. Atkinson, evidently, is the same.

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