When he deceives us
I remember hearing W say in a speech that if someone isn’t doing anything wrong, why are they hiding.. or being deceitful… or something like that. It might have been about Iraq before the war, I really don’t remember. Comment if you have the exact words or occasion. What really stuck with me was the look on his face, the tone of his voice, the petulance – and I’m working on a poem about it. I don’t have time to work on it any more this afternoon – here’s the first stab at the first stanza.:
Speaking to the fearful souls
More simple than himself
Inflection rise at sentence-endLike the reiteration of the obvious
to the thickheaded
– when he deceives us.
Meanwhile, here are a couple of things that Washington blocked the public from knowing…
– The President’s Daily Briefing from the 9/11 Commission
– Documents related to the leak investigation
– Cheney’s influence in Halliburton deal
– Cheney’s Energy Task Force deliberations
– The true cost of the Medicare bill
– John Bolton’s secret intercepts
– Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse report
Keep an eye on what is witheld. What is absent is important.
2 thoughts on “When he deceives us”
So many baseless assertions…funny, they almost sound convincing when repeated often enough.
“war for profit and power”
What profit? you say yourself later in your comment that we are incurring a national debt. Halliburton, KBR, you say? Surprise, Cheney hasn’t had a financial interest in Halliburton since DEMOCRATS DEMANDED HIS DIVESTMENT IN 2000.
What power?
Oh, you must of course be referring to French and German influence (power) in Iraq. The French got 10 years of fixed oil prices in return for Osiris and Pasteur-Merrieux facilities, ‘resisitant camel-pox’. Seimens from Germany, more bio-tech and weapons programs on their way to Baghdad even now.
Yet those in the ivory towers of academia, unfurling their phd’s at every opportunity—know better—. You and they ‘know’ that somehow soldiers ‘don’t get what they need’. Any proof on this, or just more parrot-talk? And Ms.Ph.d, what would you in your military experience deem that soldiers need? counseling? tolerance therapy?
up-armored humvees? (that one again—yawn)
Your last flail at rationality is the coup de’ grace’. ‘If you want to catch terrorists… shut down their money and places for them to train’
As if we’re NOT doing this as well. In case you are not paying attention, I’ll help you out:
There are NO places for terrorists to train, other than basements and caves. in 2002, an attempt was made by Al-Qaeda to set up a small base in Yemen. They were being watched by a UCAV (look it up) ,and shortly thereafter the terrorists spontaneously exploded courtesy of Hellfire missiles.
Their fundin gsource here in America are being slammed shut, and why?
The Patriot Act.
It’s a continual demonstration of both cognitive dissonace and intellectual dishonesty that the anti-war left displays: “fight terror, but don’t fight terror in ways we don’t like. No guns, no killing”
Standing on the shoulders of giants who made your cushy life possible, your vision is becoming blurred as you glare downward at the people who get it.
You seem very hostile. First off, I don’t have a particularly cushy life. I grew up as a blue-collar girl in a working-class town. I stand on the shoulders of giants, yes – but probably not the ones you mean. In any case, I’m not a member of one of the ruling families who plays at being a cowboy. And who are you anyway? Where did you turn up? Must have hit a nerve.
You say nothing about the information being withheld and offer no explanation for that, so I have to assume you’d rather change the subject.
There are parts of the Patriot Act that I agree with – but not most. Have you read it? I have.
As for places to train – shit, we trained and are training a fair number of them ourselves. Here in Georgia there is a very famous training camp with some illustrious graduates. We trained Bin Laden, for example. We put Hussein in power – ever seen the pic of Cheney shaking his hand? We support dictators over people who have been voted into power – yeah, we spread democracy so long as the people who win are willing to “make a deal.” Outside this, my point is that a global threat such as terrorism can only be combatted with international cooperation, which we had. Which we had.
Who says the soldiers don’t get get what they need? Um – the soldiers. They are so loved as liberators, too – it’s like the liberation of the concentration camps. Oh, that’s right – we’re running the camps now.
How about this? Instead of you or me telling them, how about asking them? I know from the homeless ones walking around Atlanta that the ones who come home aren’t getting much help. Ask the wives how well the US takes care of them. The ones who are still there see money meant for their needs going to pay for wasted food and the like while Halliburton and others overcharge us.
Who gets the profits? The suppliers and the deliverers. Do a little research on war profiteering. That’s something that used to be considered treasonous, but it’s just business as usual today. America goes into debt so that the people who have politicians in their pockets will walk away with it all. They even get the tax breaks.
Cheney has no interest in Halliburton? Wait and see. The company was flailing until he became VP. Now they walk away with contracts in no-bid private agreements. Follow the money. See where the money we’re spending is going.
Did I say that France or Germany were innocent? No I did not. But I’m an American – and it hurts me more to see America act in ways that are in direct contradiction to both its ideals and its own laws. We are justly despised for our hypocrisy.
Yes, fight terror. And no, blockhead, it doesn’t work to fight terror to kill off thousands of women and children in a country that didn’t sponsor the terror. Why don’t we ever hear about our rich little dictators in Saudi Arabia – because they are family friends and business associates of the Bush family. Never mind that most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis.
Our war in Afghanistan did one cool thing you’ll like – we’ve got bases lined up along the oil line. Same as Iraq. Just a coincidence, no doubt.
Cognitive dissonance? Intellectual dishonesty? You’re hilarious.