Murderous Dispute Over War

Murderous Dispute Over War

Man Kills Another in Dispute Over War — Press Calls It a First

Kentucky, August 6, 2006 at a flea market. Two firearms dealers, friends, standing outside a “snack shed.” The one who backs the war shot and killed the one who opposed the war. No charges as yet: he claimed self-defense.

“I’m sorry this has happened,” Moore, a retired railroad worker, said. “But then what’s done can’t be undone.” Moore told the Lexington reporter he thinks Smith and his family knew him well enough “to know what my thoughts are, his family does, because me and Harold was friends. That’s all I’ll say.”

The daughter of the dead man said the two men were friends and had discussed Iraq before. She said her father “had different opinions than everybody. He felt it was wrong that all of these young people were losing their lives over what was going on. It was just a political disagreement, like a whole lot of people have.”

(Thanks to San Francisco Liberal)

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