Katrina Anti-Profiteering Petition
Sign it here.
Halliburton Corporation — Vice President Dick Cheney’s former company — received a $30 million contract to clean up after Hurricane Katrina. Lobbyists are lining up to grab profits for their clients without having to competitvely (sic) bid for Katrina reconstruction work. Some contracts will be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, maybe even billions.
Companies like Halliburton shouldn’t be able to cash in on their political connections to steal a profit after Hurricane Katrina.
Send a message to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff demanding that he establish a competitive, but streamlined, bidding process to stop the hurricane profiteering. You can cut the red tape without resorting to cronyism.
Petition Text: I am disturbed by news reports that companies are looking to profit from their political connections by getting no bid contracts in the Gulf Coast. The clean-up work and the reconstruction of New Orleans and other places destroyed by Katrina should be awarded to those well-qualified for the job, not those who are well-connected. I demand that you set up a competitive, but streamlined, bidding process that guarantees that the work gets done by professionals, not cronies.