Repeal Estate Tax – now??

Repeal Estate Tax – now??

They are rushing the aid… to millionaires and billionaires. Frist is pushing to pass a repeal of the Estate Tax – now! These are the priorities for the Bush Administration and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist – to move ahead on starving our economy even more. If passed, it would shift about $1.5 billion a week from the federal treasury into the pockets of the heirs to the nation’s biggest fortunes.

We must fight Sen. Frist’s proposal to repeal the estate tax. Tone-deaf and out of touch with what is happening, he’s planning to call a vote as early as Tuesday!

Have they no heart at all? This is a time when thousands of Americans — many of whom are among the nation’s poorest — have lost everything to Hurricane Katrina and are looking to the government for help.

According to People for the American way:

Fewer than one estate out of 100 currently pays the estate tax.
Repeal of the tax would give an average $3 million tax break to the 7,000 estates that would have otherwise paid the tax.
For the approximately 600 biggest estates, the average tax break would be around $18 million.
Estimates project Hurricane Katrina’s economic impact could top $100 billion.

Write your representatives now – appeal to them to refuse any repeal or gutting of the Estate Tax. Their job is to represent all of us, and a piss-poor job they’ve been doing. Enough already.

One thought on “Repeal Estate Tax – now??

  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! These people never cease to amaze me. The gall, the brass balls they have. One million people displaced and all they can think of is if their grandpa dies, they have to pay money on the millions they will inherit. Disgusting. I was watching the news today (cause that is all I do since this happened) and saw a story on how the world is seeing us react to this tragedy. They think it is disgusting as well. All I can think of is, now that we are down, who is coming to kick us? I have not been sleeping well, I fear for those down there and for us too. I am sure you remember like me, the 70’s and the shortages, getting gas on odd and even days, the lines. I think that is coming back, but worse. This country is in for the biggest depression since the 30’s. Bush changed the bankruptcy laws to hurt the little guy, upped the min. payments on credit cards, and now this country is going to have more debt per person than ever, just to heat the homes and put fuel in their tanks to get to work. People need to get ready, this generation that came after us, and came of age in the greedy 80’s has no idea what is gonna hit them!!!

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