Armchair Activism Actions of the Day
Ask your senators and representatives to support the “Count Every Vote Act”.
Take the pledge to only support candidates who
Acknowledge that the U.S. was misled into the war in Iraq
Advocate for a responsible exit plan with a timeline
Support our troops at home and abroad
Protest the blanket CIA “get out of atrocity free card” attempt, which would undermine the McCain anti-torture amendment. It is especially urgent for the constituencies of Ted Stevens (AK), Thad Cochran (MS) and Kit Bond (MO) – who all voted for more torture – to respond on this issue.
Tell your Representative and both of your Senators it is time to impeach president Bush now
Hurricanes are not going to go away. And along with stronger levees and better evacuation plans, we can help protect the Gulf Coast by restoring Louisiana’s first line of defense against powerful storms – coastal wetlands. Coastal wetlands provide a natural buffer to hurricanes. Wetlands diminish the severity of hurricanes and absorb much of their impact. However, since 1930, 1.2 million acres of these wetlands across southern Louisiana have eroded due to human activity. Congress will vote in the next few weeks to dedicate funding to rebuild the Gulf Coast. Wetlands restoration plans exist already – they only need to be funded. Ask Congress to protect the Gulf Coast with wetlands restoration.
Lsat week, the UN American ambassador John Bolton blocked Mr. Juan Mendez, the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, from briefing the Security Council on the human rights violations in Darfur, the western region of Sudan. Had Mendez been allowed to address the UN Security Council, he would have reported on how the Sudanese government is refusing to cooperate with the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and taking only superficial steps to address the systematic human rights abuses in Darfur. Please challenge Mr. Bolton to focus his efforts on Sudan at the UN to pass a resolution for a multinational intervention to protect civilians and to deploy that force in support of existing African Union efforts in Darfur.
Urge your legislators to support a bipartisan group of pro-choice members of Congress, who are taking action to protect a women’s right to safe and legal birth control. Birth control is basic health care for the vast majority of American women, and no third party should be able to stop a woman from taking responsibility for her reproductive health.
Each year since 1988, new cars are spewing even more global warming pollution into the air, but automakers are blocking progress on global warming, fighting state and national efforts to curb global warming pollution. Ask major automakers to support, not block, policies that reduce global warming pollution.
Create your own Action Page at the Blades of Grass site for one-click actions.