Protest Atempted Gag on Voter Registration

Protest Atempted Gag on Voter Registration

House Attempt to Suppress Voter Registration Efforts –

Some in Congress are actively working to discourage voter registration drives. Protest the inclusion of an anti-advocacy provision in H.R. 1461 (the Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2005), which would disqualify non-profit organizations from receiving grants if they engage in lobbying or non-partisan election activities – including voter registration drives – even with their own funds.

If within the 12 months prior to application for a grant they engage in lobbying or non-partisan election activities, such as voter registration, voter identification and get-out-the-vote efforts, they will be disqualified from receiving grants. In fact, this provision would disqualify non-profit organizations simply if they are associated with others who engage in voter registration activity.

Urge your Representative to vote against any provision in the Federal Housing Reform Act that would limit non-profit organizations from engaging in non-partisan election activities to encourage the civic participation of historically disenfranchised communities.

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