Protest Sale of Park Lands for Mining and Development

Protest Sale of Park Lands for Mining and Development

Despite assurances by House Resources Committee Chairman Richard Pombo that the reconciliation package he proposed would not make any national park lands available for sale, a new draft proposes to do just that. The new version, scheduled for a vote tomorrow morning, would make available for sale lands that contain mineral deposits, including park lands where those deposits previously have been mined, for development or hard rock mining.

Tell Congress to reject this dangerous provision that would sell national park lands for mining and commercial development!

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One thought on “Protest Sale of Park Lands for Mining and Development

  1. I talked to my brother, a resident in Southern California about the danger posed by Richard Pomo’s attack on public property and the environment. His response was,” We have to get rid of that !#%& in the White House” to stop these things, otherwise it will keep going on.

    I am inclined to believe that Richard Pomo is a stalking horse for the White House since their has never been a president with a worse environmental record than Bush!

    I fear the US is falling into the ethical mire of turning everything into a commodity.
    I shall take action.

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