What adorable animal?

What adorable animal?

You Are A: Monkey!

monkeyMonkeys are intelligent and agile, well-adapted for jungle life as they swing happily from tree to tree. As a monkey, you are a social animal who eats a wide range of food, is quick to learn new things and loves to climb. A monkey’s tiny primate features are irresistable, as is her gregarious personality!

You were almost a: Pony or a Puppy
You are least like a: Turtle or a GroundhogDiscover What Cute Animal You Are!

(via The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns)

6 thoughts on “What adorable animal?

  1. I came out Monkey too! Interesting. I’m usually Bear.

    Thank you for your very kind comments on my blog. As soon as things get less crazy (i.e., the move is done, etc.), let’s get together for coffee again.

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