Meme, Me, Me

Meme, Me, Me

Here’s a new viral meme. I’m a little late on this one… but thanks, Etherealgirl! Here are my answers, and anyone can pick it up from here, not just the people I name at the bottom.

Here are The Rules:

Remove the blog at #1 from the following list and bump every one up one place. Add your blogs name in the #5 spot. Link to each of the other blogs for the desired cross-pollination effect.

  1. It’s Morning Somewhere
  2. The Gypsy’s Caravan
  3. The Fat Lady Sings
  4. An etherealgirl’s Adventures in Cyberland
  5. VirusHead

Select 4 new friends to add to the pollen count. No one is obligated to participate and anyone can play if they want to. This is not like ‘Tag, you’re it’, or some kind of chain letter. Just do it if it seems like fun. The questions and answers are supposed to be part of the fun, but only if it feels comfortable.

Here comes The MEME:

What were you doing 10 years ago?

I was defending my Ph.D. proposal for a dissertation on viruses in contemporary fiction. At the time, I thought that the major argument would involve an alternate theology of evil. It didn’t work out quite that way. When I read more of the fiction (HIV/AIDS narratives, vampire fictions, science fiction and fantasy, thrillers, etc.) and let the work speak for itself, I found that there were more interesting things going on with the viral than a simple placeholder for “otherness.”

What were you doing 5 years ago?

I was learning how to become a mom. My son was about 6 months old. I also began writing poetry.

What were you doing 1 year ago?

I was still celebrating the completion of the Ph.D. and had not yet moved into full panic mode about the multiplying student loan debt.

What were you doing yesterday?

Rewriting my curriculum vitae, and crafting an application letter for a tenure-track teaching position. Some project priorities at my part-time consulting job. Designing a website for a local rug-cleaning company. Laundry. Dishes. Helping with homework on the letter “c”. A little reading.

Five snacks you enjoy

  1. Sesame seeds
  2. Grilled cheese sandwich
  3. Sun chips
  4. Strawberry twizzlers
  5. Chocolate malted Ovaltine (That’s really a drink, but I treat it as a snack)

Five songs I know all the words to:

  1. God – Tori Amos
  2. Holiday – Green Day
  3. Moving – Kate Bush
  4. Take Me as I Am – Mary Fahl
  5. Turn Back, O Man – Godspell

Five things you would do if you had a million dollars:

  1. Pay off my student loans, mortgage, all debt.
  2. Buy some clothes, a car.
  3. Help out some family.
  4. Go to Europe.
  5. Save for rainy day.

But of course, I’d probably need more than a million for all that.

Five things you like doing:

  1. Reading
  2. Singing
  3. Writing
  4. Snuggling
  5. Sleeping

Five bad habits:

  1. Smoking
  2. Drinking too much coffee
  3. Haphazard housecleaning
  4. Driving when I could walk
  5. Staying up late reading

Five things I would never wear again:

  1. Christie Brinkley swimsuit that turned out to be transparent when wet.
  2. Sheer yellow silk shirt that spots immediately on contact with any water.
  3. Those blister-causing, ankle twisting, pain inducing high-heel platform boots.
  4. Solid purple bell-bottom hip-hugger suit.
  5. Tube tops.

Five favorite toys:

  1. Computer
  2. Worry beads
  3. Pointer
  4. CD/MPG Player -wish I had an iPod mini
  5. Chessboard

I am now passing the MEME baton to:

  1. Blog of the Grateful Bear
  2. Postcards from Hell’s Kitchen
  3. The Raven’s Retreat
  4. heather anne dot org

Anyone can play!

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