7 thoughts on “State By State GOP Scandal Scorecard

  1. I agree that recently there are a number of corrupt members of the Republican Party and it is easy to attack the party, but when you do this and forget to discuss the corrupt members of the Democrat Party it just appears that you are showing bias. Just because there some corrupt people in the party it by no means condemns the entire GOP. One bad apple doesn’t spoil the whole bunch. As I have stated on my blog, if Libby and DeLay are convicted then they should be hammered to the full extent of the law. If they aren’t convicted then they should be left alone, after all an indictment isn’t a conviction.

  2. Gee: I wouldn’t think of trying to tarnish the whole party with the few (and growing number of ) shady activities being engaged in by the parties leaders.
    Just because Tom Delay was indicted for laundering money he recieved from Jack Abramoff, paid into his not-for-profits and PAC’s, which came from cheating Indian tribes, by billing them for work not performed, to help them run their Casinos. And just because Jack Abramoff passed some of the Indian gaming money to Reed, of the Christian Coalition, for helping him scare the Indians by chanting “No Gambling”. I wouldn’t think of tarnishing the whole party with it, even if Scanlon’s plea agreement is expected to expose some 35 more Republicans as implicated in bribe taking. I agree, that’s not the whole party.

    The rest of the parties membership, appears to each have problems of their own, too numerous to mention here, but I don’t yet believe that there might not be some one of them who isn’t either under investigation, or facing indictment, wearing a wire, or otherwise involved in plea negotiations. So as not to unfairly prejudice those plea investigations, I’ll not accuse them of anything yet, I’ll just keep reading and suspending my judgement. BTW; Wasn’t the Cunnigham thing something? A decorated war hero and God fearing Republican, certainly put on a show of sincere contrition didn’t he?


  3. I post in nyc.politics on usenet. Been a regular of OJ
    during the trials and a “vet” of the Clinton era/saga. 🙂

    (oh, my, I just re-read what I wrote, I should have a
    website, eh? But alas, no time. Feel free to email me

    But, back on subject for a moment, here’s the brief,
    unfinished list, I had to retype in prep for research.
    Believe me this isn’t the half of it. 9-11 appears to
    have so many domestic artifacts in it, it would be very
    difficult (if not impossible?) to think it isn’t a “homegrown”
    attack like Ok. City. But later for that. Just look at this
    reference to some of the “few bad apples”.

    from: http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/gopscorecard.htm


    Sen. Richard Shelby
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Gov. Robert Riley
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff.
    Received contributions from. DeLay’s
    ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff


    Senate President Ben Stevens
    (son of US Senate Pro Tem
    President Ted Stevens)

    Probed for accepting consulting fees from
    oil services firm Veco. Subject to a recall petition.

    Sen. Ted Stevens
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff


    Arkansas Republican Party
    Received contributions from. DeLay’s
    ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff


    Rep. J. D. Hayworth
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Rick Renzi
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff


    Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
    Ethics probe for accepting salary from
    two men’s fitness magazines while governor,
    possible kickback from American Media
    publisher to Schwarzenegger charity and
    silence money to a woman who had
    an extramarital affair with Schwarzenegger.
    This probe may go criminal.

    Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham
    Probed for bribery regarding financial ties
    with and favors for defense firm MZM.
    Pleaded guilty to tax evasion, conspiracy,
    Nov. 28, 2005.

    Rep. Dana Rohrabacher
    Tied to Abramoff scandal on loan papers.
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Richard Pombo
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. John Doolittle
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff,
    including Indian casino money

    Rep. Ed Royce
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff


    Colorado Republican Party

    Received contributions from. DeLay’s
    ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff


    Gov. John Rowland
    Convicted, imprisoned 2004

    Rep. Rob Simmons
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff


    Attorney General Jane Brady
    Accused of helping MBNA Bank of
    Wilmington skirt campaign finance laws.

    DC, Wash

    Jack Abramoff, GOP lobbyist
    Indicted, wire fraud, conspiracy

    Adam Kidan,
    DC Dial-a-Mattress franchise in DC
    and Abramoff associate

    Michael Scanlon,
    former chief of staff to Tom DeLay
    Being probed for involvement in Indian
    casino scandal with Abramoff, Kidan,
    and DeLay.
    Indicted Nov. 18, 2005 for conspiracy
    to defraud Indian tribes. Pleaded
    guilty Nov. 21

    Steve Rosen, American Israel Public
    Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
    Indicted for criminal conspiracy
    involving classified national security

    Keith Weismann, AIPAC
    Indicted for criminal conspiracy
    involving classified national
    security information

    Larry Franklin, Colonel, USAF
    Reserves, Dept. of Defense
    Indicted for criminal conspiracy
    involving classified national
    security information

    Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Vice President’s
    Chief of Staff Probed for illegal disclosure
    of CIA classified information. Indicted on
    5 counts: Obstruction of justice, making
    false statements and perjury

    White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove
    Probed for illegal disclosure of CIA classified

    David H. Safavian, Head of Procurement
    Policy, Office of Management and Budget,
    former Chief of Staff, General Service
    Arrested by FBI for making false statements
    about helping Jack Abramoff acquire two
    Federal properties in DC and Maryland.

    Kenneth Tomlinson
    Ex-Corporation for Public Broadcasting
    Chairman and current Broadcasting Board
    of Governors member

    Under investigation for violating the
    Public Broadcasting Act

    Patricia Harrison,
    President Corporation for Public Broadcasting
    Probed for violating Public Broadcasting Act

    Vice President Dick Cheney
    Investigated for criminal conspiracy
    in divulging the identity of covert CIA agent

    President George W. Bush
    Probed in Abramoff scandal for accepting
    bags of illegal campaign cash from Seminole
    casino interests in Florida

    J. Steven Griles,
    former Interior Deputy Secretary
    Probed for links to Abramoff


    Rep. Katherine Harris, US Senate candidate
    Probed for campaign donations from MZM, Inc.
    (related to Duke Cunningham probe)

    Rep. Tom Feeney
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff.
    Probed for corporate ties to Yang Enterprises,
    involved in over billing state of Florida.
    Feeney was Jeb Bush’s 1994 running mate
    for Lt. Gov.

    Rep. Ric Keller
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
    and Kidan.


    Ralph Reed, candidate for Lt. Gov.
    Probed for involvement in Abramoff,
    Kidan, DeLay Indian casino money

    Sen. John Isakson
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Sen. Saxby Chambliss
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Phil Gingrey
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Jack Kingston
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff


    Gov. Felix Camacho
    Probed for ties to Abramoff and demoting
    Acting US Attorney for Guam Frederick


    New Hawaii PAC and House GOP PAC
    Campaign violations filed against a
    number of GOP candidates for the state
    legislature and US House for skirting
    spending limits.

    Dalton Tanonaka, former Lt.
    gubernatorial and congressional candidate
    Under FEC investigation for disguising and
    failing to report campaign loans. Also
    investigated for possible illegal foreign
    funding from Hong Kong and Japan.

    State Rep. and House Minority Leader Galen Fox
    Convicted on federal charges of fondling a woman
    on a Honolulu to Los Angeles commercial flight


    Rep. Michael Simpson
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Butch Otter
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff


    House Speaker Dennis Hastert
    Probed for accepting money from Turkey.

    Rep. Jerry Weller
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
    (Weller is married to the daughter of
    Guatemalan dictator and mass murderer
    [300,0000 Guatemalans] Efrain Rios Montt).

    Republican National Treasurer Bob Kjellander
    Under Federal probe for steering investment
    contracts to Illinois Teachers Retirement Fund.

    Former House Leader State Rep. Lee Daniels (Elmhurst)
    Under Federal investigation for misuse of state
    employees for political activity and state
    contract kickbacks


    Rep. Dan Burton
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Gov. Mitch Daniels
    Under investigation for soliciting campaign
    donations in return for INDOT (Indiana Dept.
    of Transportation contracts)

    Thomas Sharp, INDOT Commissioner
    Under investigation for soliciting campaign
    donations in return for INDOT (Indiana Dept.
    of Transportation contracts)

    Jim Kittle, GOP state chairman
    Under investigation for soliciting campaign
    donations in return for INDOT (Indiana Dept.
    of Transportation contracts)

    Rep. Chris Chocola
    Received DeLay ARMPAC money.
    FEC investigating


    Rep. Jim Ryun
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Sen. Sam Brownback
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Adam Taff
    2004 congressional candidate (KS-3),
    indicted for campaign violations and
    wire fraud.


    Gov. Ernie Fletcher
    Criminal probe in a state employees’
    merit system scandal. Received
    contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC,
    linked to Abramoff.

    Transportation Commissioner Dan Druen
    Merit system scandal, witness tampering.

    Deputy Personnel Secretary Bob Wilson
    Merit system scandal. Indicted

    Darrell Brock, Chairman of Kentucky GOP
    Merit system scandal. Indicted.

    Gov. Personnel Adviser Basil Turbyfill
    Merit system scandal. Indicted.

    Transportation Secretary ill Nighbert
    Merit system scandal. Indicted.

    Dick Murgatroyd, Gov. Deputy Chief of Staff
    Merit system scandal. Indicted.

    Jim Adams, Deputy Transportation Secretary
    Merit system scandal. Indicted.

    Cory Meadows, Executive Director,
    Transportation Dept.
    Merit system scandal. Indicted.

    Environmental Protection Commissioner
    Lloyd Cress
    Probed in merit system scandal

    Sen. Jim Bunning
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Lt. Gov. Stephen Pence
    Received contributions from. DeLay’s
    ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff

    Dave Disponett
    Indicted for violation of Kentucky
    civil service law


    Sen. David Vitter
    Linked to Abramoff in a case involving
    a Louisiana Indian tribe.


    Maine Republican Party
    Received contributions from. DeLay’s
    ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff


    Joseph Steffen, aide to Gov. Bob Ehrlich
    Resigned for starting a rumor campaign
    against Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley.

    Gov. Bob Ehrlich
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff


    Gov. Mitt Romney’s Executive Office of
    Environmental Affairs
    Under ethics cloud for awarding a $10,000
    contract to conservative Boston Herald
    columnist to write columns supportive of
    Romney’s policies.

    Lawrence Novak, Vice Chair, state GOP
    Arrested by FBI for drug money laundering


    Rep. Dave Camp
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Attorney General Mike Cox
    Failed to pursue felony pollution charges
    against Graceland Fruit after a major
    Department of Environmental Quality

    Rep. Candice Miller
    Investigated by House Erthics Committee
    for accepting campaign contributions in
    return for her yes vote on the 2004
    Medicare bill.


    Rep. Gil Gutknecht
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff


    Sen. Christopher Bond
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Sen. Jim Talent
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Gov. Matt Blunt, son of Roy Blunt
    Received contributions from. DeLay’s
    ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff

    Rep. Roy Blunt, House Majority Leader
    Investigated for trading illegal PAC money
    with DeLay through Blunt’s Rely on Your
    Beliefs Fund. Received Indian casino money
    from tribes represented by Abramoff.


    Rep. Charles Pickering
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Roger Wicker
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Sen. Thad Cochran
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Sen. Trent Lott
    Received funds from casino Indian
    tribes represented by Abramoff


    Sen. Conrad Burns
    Probed for links to Abramoff

    Rep. Dennis Rehberg
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff


    Former Rep. Jon Christensen
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Jeff Fortenberry
    Received tainted money from DeLay.
    Refused to return it


    Sen. John Ensign
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Jon Porter
    Received $25,000 from DeLay’s ARMPAC

    New Hampshire

    Sen. John Sununu
    Probed for receipt of money from
    DeLay tainted PAC

    Rep. Jeb Bradley
    Probed for receipt of money from
    DeLay tainted PAC

    House Speaker Gene Chandler
    Campaign contributions violations

    James Tobin, Northeast political director
    National Republican Senatorial Campaign
    Indicted, conspiracy, GOTV phone line
    jamming, Sununu 2002 campaign

    Chuck McGee, former Exec. Dir. New
    Hampshire Republican Party
    Pleaded guilty, conspiracy, GOTV phone
    line jamming, Sununu 2002 campaign

    Allen Raymond, GOP Marketplace President
    Pleaded guilty to conspiracy, GOTV phone
    line jamming, Sununu 2002 campaign

    New Jersey

    GOP State Chairman Tom Wilson
    Probed for his firm receiving $2.7 million
    from the Burlington County Bridge

    Rep. Jim Saxton
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Frank LoBiondo
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Mike Ferguson
    Probed for his firm receiving $2.7 million
    from the Burlington County Bridge
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff,
    may have illegally “wheeled” money from
    DeLay through his “MIKEPAC” to GOP
    candidates in Texas and other states

    New Mexico

    Rep. Heather Wilson
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    New York

    Westchester County District Attorney
    Jeanine Pirro and US Senate candidate
    Probed for campaign donations from
    mobsters. Her husband served a year
    in prison for tax evasion.

    Northern Marianas

    Gov. Froilan Tenorio
    Grand Jury probe, ties to Abramoff

    North Carolina

    Rep. Charles Taylor
    Probed for ownership of shady Russian
    bank – whose other major investor is a
    former KGB general. Recipient of
    contributions from Abramoff

    Hayes Martin, Taylor Campaign Treasurer
    Indicted, fraud and money laundering

    Rep. Walter Jones
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    North Dakota

    Richard Clayburgh, House candidate
    Received contributions from. DeLay’s
    ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff


    Gov. Bob Taft,
    Misuse of state funds/ethics violations
    Convicted, four first degree misdemeanors,
    pleaded no contest (admission of guilt).
    $4000 fine and public apology, two Federal
    Grand Juries, one state Grand Jury still
    investigating Taft.

    Thomas Noe, Bush-Cheney 04 campaign
    chair, NW Ohio; Turnpike Commissioner;
    University Regent
    Misuse of state funds for rare coin fund.
    Indicted by Federal grand jury, arrested
    in Florida.

    Bernadette Noe, Thomas Noe’s wife; chair
    Lucas County GOP; chair Lucas Co. Board
    of Elections
    Misuse of state funds

    Brian Hicks, Taft chief of staff, member
    Ohio University Board of Trustees

    Cherie Carroll, Taft Chief of Staff
    Executive Secretary

    Rep. Bob Ney
    Being probed for involvement with
    Abramoff, Kidan, and DeLay, Indian
    casino money laundering. Recipient
    of contributions from Abramoff and
    Kidan. Indictment may be imminent.

    Rep. Jean Schmidt
    Probe of financial ties to Games, Inc.,
    and proposal to put Ohio State Lottery
    on the Internet. Received contributions
    from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff

    Rep. Ralph Regula
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Douglas Moormann, Gov. Taft’s Executive
    Assistant for Business and Industry
    Under criminal investigation for accepting
    loan from Noe


    Rep. Ernest Istook
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Sen. James Inhofe
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Sen. Tom Coburn
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff


    Sen. Gordon Smith
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    State Rep. Dan Doyle
    Misused campaign funds. Convicted.


    Rep. Don Sherwood
    Investigated by DC police for assaulting
    and choking a 29-year old Maryland woman

    Rep. Curt Weldon
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Sen. Arlen Specter
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick
    Recipient of money from DeLay’s ARMPAC
    (subject of Federal indictments), money
    laundered from Abramoff sources.

    Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rican New Progressive Party
    (GOP affiliate party)
    Paid Abramoff $400,000 for lobbying
    for 1998 statehood referendum

    Rhode Island

    Former House candidate (2002) Mike Battles
    Firm, Custer Battles, disbarred from Iraq
    contracts after allegations of over charging
    and money laundering

    Providence Mayor Vince Cianci
    Imprisoned in 2002 for 5 years.

    South Carolina

    Rep. Joe Wilson
    Received contributions from. DeLay’s
    ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff

    Rep. Gresham Barrett
    Received contributions from. DeLay’s
    ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff

    Rep. Henry Brown
    Received contributions from. DeLay’s
    ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff

    South Dakota

    Sen. John Thune
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Bill Janklow
    Guilty, second degree manslaughter,
    imprisoned. Recipient of contributions
    from Abramoff


    Rep. Van Hilleary
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Sen. Bill Frist
    Under Securities and Exchange Commission
    investigation for insider trading on his
    Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)


    Rep. Tom DeLay, House Majority Leader
    Probed for campaign finance fraud, ties
    to Abramoff/Kidan, Saipan sweat shops.
    Grand Jury, Travis County prosecutor,
    and House Ethics Committee probing DeLay.
    Indicted by Travis County District Attorney
    for 1 count of criminal conspiracy and 2
    counts of money laundering. Arrested and
    booked at Harris County jail October 20,
    2005. Recipient of contributions from
    Abramoff. Conspiracy to commit money
    laundering and money laundering charges
    still stand after Texas Judge dropped the
    one count of criminal conspiracy on
    December 5, 2005.

    Jim Ellis, Director Americans for a
    Republican Majority (ARMPAC) PAC tied
    to DeLay and Abramoff

    John Colyandro, Texans for a Republican
    Majority (TRMPAC), DeLay associate

    Warren RoBold, Lobbyist and DeLay associate

    House Speaker Tom Craddick
    Probed for campaign violations
    involving TRMPAC and DeLay

    Sam Walls, candidate for Texas House
    Photos of him wearing women’s clothes
    surfaced in the 2004 runoff campaign

    State Rep. Todd Baxter
    Investigated for receiving ARMPAC and
    TRMPAC money from Republican National
    Committee. To resign from office on
    Nov. 1, 2005

    Rep. Kevin Brady
    Recipient of $10,000 from ARMPAC in
    2003. Arrested for DWI in South Dakota

    Probed for receiving money from casino
    Indian tribes represented by Abramoff


    Rep. Chris Cannon
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff


    Gov. Jim Douglas
    Opposition to universal health care in
    Vermont tied to huge contributions from
    insurance industry.


    Rep. Virgil Goode
    Probed for contributions from MZM, Inc.
    (related to Duke Cunningham probe)

    Jerry Kilgore, gubernatorial candidate
    Received $5000 from MZM, Inc.

    Rep. Eric Cantor
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Randy Forbes
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Sen. George Allen
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Tom Davis
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
    and Kidan.


    Rep. George Nethercutt
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Doc Hastings
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Spokane Mayor Jim West
    Under Federal and state investigation for
    abusing his office to obtain sexual favors
    and soliciting sex over the Internet from
    underage males.

    West Virginia

    Rep. Shelly Moore Capito
    Received contributions from. DeLay’s
    ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff


    Rep. Paul Ryan
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Mark Green
    Recipient of funds from DeLay’s ARMPAC


    Sen. Mike Enzi
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

    Rep. Barbara Cubin
    Recipient of contributions from Abramoff

  4. I know some are going to say: “Gee, getting money from Abramoff seems pretty innocent!” Well, for starters it’s corrupt money, it has not only gone to congresspersons who just happened to have voted the right way, it’s also being recognised as corrupt funds and being returned by many. Does that say something? Probably, but there’s also a whole lot of corrupt money in both the GOP/RNC and Bush campaign coffers, and there’s “resistance” to the idea of giving it back. Like, for instance, the funds from Mo that were taken from a state retirement fund, invested into rare coins, that went “missing”, the Atty Gen. of that state has traced these funds, for example, to Bush campaign coffers, they aren’t about to give any of it back.

    I could fill an encyclopedia like Britannica and still not cover all the scandals that are breaking over republicans. So the “One Bad Apple” theory is going the way of the flat earth beliefs.


  5. Hey gang, let’s go christmas caroling:

    [to the tune of “walkin in a winter wonder land”]

    Mr. Blunt are you listenin?
    In the Court chairs are glistenin
    As Scanlon sings song, you’ll frogmarch along
    for playing in the K-Street Wonderland.

    In the medow we will build a strawman,
    and pretend he’s Iraq’s Saddam
    We’ll say “You have weapons”,
    He’ll say “No Man,
    But can you sell me more
    when you’re in town?”

    Later on, we’ll conspire
    As we sit by the fire,
    to face unafraid the plans to invade
    supported by the K-Street Wonderland

    [Okay, who wants to write the next verse?


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