How Do You Sleep at Night

How Do You Sleep at Night

The whole nation turned on Clinton over trying to coverup a sexual infidelity, while so many just swallow Bush’s lies without complaint. Can you imagine if Clinton did this kind of stuff? God, they probably would have hung him on a tree.

Here are just a few random things that I don’t think of as “American.”

Bush Administration Refuses to Comply With FOIA Request on Pre-War Intelligence – This will make it hard to proceed to stage 2 of the Senate Investigation. We need a Prosecutor.

Authorized National Security Agency to wiretap calls of American citizens without seeking court permission, as is indisputably required by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), passed by Congress in 1978. And no, he does not have the authority.

Transformation of USA into a Rogue State by refusing to honor our international agreements or to enter into new ones: Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, Non Proliferation Treaty, Geneva Conventions Protocol, UN Charter, US Constitution, Failure to Ratify Kyoto Agreement on Climate Change, Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, UN Agreement to Curb the International Flow of Small Arms, International Criminal Court Treaty, etc.

1) Wars of Aggression
2) Torture and Indefinite Detention
3) Destruction of the Global Environment
4) Attacks on Global Public Health and Reproductive Rights, with particular reference to the genocidal effects of forcing international agencies to promote “abstinence only” in the midst of a global AIDS epidemic.

On and on and on and on. What does it take to have such blinders on – how can anyone support the policies of this administration? What do you think you’re going to get out of it?

Don’t you understand that we are all expendable to these people? Even the protection of the homeland from further attacks focuses on controlling US, not sealing up areas of risk. Ask New Orleans. Check out how the Homeland Security Budget is split up and how funds have been spent so far.

Hey, and did you ever think about those coffins with our dead soldiers in them? They are flying back as _freight_ on civilian planes, for pete’s sake.

What fantasy world do you have to build to think that all of this is beneficial, moral, in our national interests? Don’t you understand that we are looking at a move into complete corporate fascism? What’s next? Put everyone from the middle class on down in our shiny new jails (more every year!) and use our country as a prison colony for cheap labor so we can compete with China, who holds our debt in the first place?

Geez – what’ll it take? I see some signs that more Americans are starting to sense that something might be wrong, but we are so easily distracted, so easily bamboozled into little wars amongst ourselves.

While we look elsewhere, they steal our future and line their pockets with the booty while they can. This is not leadership, it’s a big street gang. It’s the Mafia. It’s international crime. It’s a slash and burn zone. And all of you who refuse to see it will learn in time how mistaken you are – but it won’t make any difference by then.

Willful ignorance – but why? I’ve considered all the explanations… and perhaps all together they account for it, but I am still not entirely convinced. I expect more from the people of this great nation.

Where is the investigative journalism? Where are the interviews with Iraq Vets? Other world papers carried interviews with some who at been at Gitmo and Abu Graib, not to mention the other prisons.

Why aren’t there thousands at the White House demanding the truth and the release of all the information that this administration repeatedly holds back?

And those of you who actually support all these actions and policies -I’m not talking about people who just somehow think King George is an ok guy- I have just one question:

How do you sleep at night?

You can’t all be sociopaths.

8 thoughts on “How Do You Sleep at Night

  1. Bill Clinton did use these same wiretaps and so did Jimmy Carter. Bill Clinton lied under oath to a Grand Jury and admited to lying to the American people and all of you liberals said “poor Bill is being dumped on by those nasty Republicans. Now that it is the Democrats dumping on President Bush you liberals think it is just fine, pretty hypocritical.

    I understand this all stems from the hatred of President and the fact that people don’t agree with his policies. As I said before, I don’t agree with every policy that Bush has, but I am not going to sit there and nit pick every little thing and blow it way out of proportion.

  2. I can sleep at night because I don’t beleive most of what you attacked Bush for. I guess if I thought like you do I would find it hard to sleep at night, but since I don’t I sleep just fine.

  3. The Clinton stuff surely was fueled by hatred. He was guilty, but boy they had to go a long long way to find something he really was guilty of doing. He lied about a question that should never have been asked. Still – when someone breaks the law, they have to face justice. Democrat or Republican, that’s how it should be. So your charge of hypocrisy is meaningless. In fact, the very behaviors that you would never tolerate in a Democrat seem to meet with your approval when performed by Republicans.

    The lies and coverups and deceit of this administration kill people. They destroy our future, they take away our rights, they attempt to dismantle the democracy with its Constitutional checks and balances. I don’t understand how people can stand behind what this administration actually does. Where are the fiscal Republicans, where are the civil libertarians and the moderates?

    I’m not anti-Republican. Trade W out for his father – I’d much prefer him. Trade him out for McCain, even. Or better yet, leave him in office, but take away Cheney and the secret gangs. I think Bush is going through an ex-alcoholic recovery, with all its side effects. He’s a somewhat dumb puppet in love with power. History will not be kind to him. Wait and see.

    Oh, and show me the proof of Clinton and Carter breaking the law on spying without warrants on the American people. Haven’t seen that one – who’s saying it, the Rush puppets? the Hannity pets? Colter clones? Talk about hatred… Even if you were right, which I don’t think you are, does that make it right? This is a President who calls the Constitution of the United States just a “damned piece of paper”. This is your hero?

    I don’t understand how you can approve of these things – most of the above is already proven to have taken place. Investigations will prove the rest.

    I am sorry, but I think you are destined to be very disappointed, in time. With so much misplaced faith, your ultimate recognition of its betrayal, the day that you understand how you have been manipulated and cheated, will be a hard one.

    So yes, I offer you a Happy New Year too. As much as we may disagree on these ideas and issues and even the actual facts of the matter, we are both Americans. You communicate and use your right of freedom of expression, you provide feedback on another point of view. I think that you’re really misguided, but you think that of me too – and here you are posting. There is hope for the future if people start really talking. Thank you.

  4. If it turns out that it wasn’t legal for him to authorize the wiretaps and electronic eavesdropping then I will be right back here saying I was wrong, but that would only be because I was mislead. I just refuse to accept that I was mislead just because someone says it was so. We require proof before we just go off and make claims that people broke the law. The biggest problem I have is that this is exactly what is happeneing in the is case and most of the other cases that you bring up. Until it is determined that any laws were broken you are just making unfounded accusations against the President. You cannot say that what the President did was illegal until it is determined that it is. There are circumstances that are written into the laws of the is country that do not require warrants to authorize wire taps. I just heard that on Fox News and it didn’t come from Rush or Hannity.

    Just like people that say President Bush lied about the intelligence that lead to the war in Iraq. It has been investigated my numerous committees in Congress and not a single one has proven that George Bush or any member of his administration manipulated or lied about the intelligence. So again until there is proof it happened it is just another case of unfounded accusation.

    I promise you if it comes out that he over stepped his authority I will be back here and you can tell me I told you so. 🙂

  5. I always get a kick out of how many Democrats say that Bush has destroyed our economy. They actually began saying that within his first 3 months of being elected. Geez, what a bunch of numbnuts.

    Bill Clinton set the table for our terrible stockmarket crash in 2000 and a nasty lull in our economy. George Bush is doing a nice job of digging us out of that mess, despite the war and natural disasters expense.

    Bill taught us about work ethic. (i’m sure he could have used his time better in the Oral office though)

    What the hell were we doing in Somalia? Now THAT made no sense.

    If you schmucks really wanted to do something useful, you should take all that money from the impeach orgs and donate it to the supressed classes who lost everything in Hurricane Katrina.

  6. Yeah, it’s funny how he was handed the longest period of sustained economic growth in our history, along with a budget surplus and look what great stuff he did with it. Have you actually looked at the policies he enacted in the first 6 months? People say he’s lazy, but he sure did get a lot of harmful stuff done, and the things that needed to get done to help us (like um… repairing levees for example…) didn’t happen.

    Speaking of getting a kick, I get one everytime I see Republicans try to ride Katrina after what we all saw with our own eyes. It’s amazing for me to see people who call themselves Christians gleefully lining up behind the most controlling, secretive, deceitful, and prodeath administration we’ve ever had.

    Jon – name me one investigation in Congress about pre-war intelligence. The one underway was specifically forbidden to address that question until stage 2, which hasn’t gotten started because Bush won’t release information under the law of the Freedom of Information Act.

    I’m not defending everything Clinton ever did – in many ways, I considered him a problem for the American people too. Just in different, less important, areas and much much less evil ways.

  7. The courts have ruled that the president has powers to collect foreign intelligence overseas or on foreign agents within the United States. However, when one party is an American citizen within the U.S.A., the Fourth Amendment limits executive power (for good reason). To balance the concerns of national security with the Fourth Amendment guarantees against unreasonable searches the president is obligated to obtain a FISA warrant to conduct domestic surveillance.

    Look how Bush presented himself in 2004 on this very issue, while speaking about how the Patriot Act balances the need to combating terrorism while protecting the Constitution: “a wiretap requires a court order. …When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so. It’s important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution.”

    In the wake of 9/11 Bush asked Congressional leaders for the authority to conduct wireless wiretaps and was turned down.

    Now he claims Congress gave him the power to do this.

    Bush lies, plain and simple. When he said the above, he was lying. Think about it.

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