- AlterNet: The 14 Worst Corporate Evildoers
- Big Brother Bush By Molly Ivins
- Presidents all the same when scandal strikes by Bob Barr
- It Has Happened Here: The growth of executive power in this country has some disturbing precedents by Alan Bisbort
- Top 12 media myths and falsehoods on the Bush administration’s spying scandal
- White Phosphorous: The U.S. Used It; The U.S. Says It’s Illegal
- The Exotic Adventures of Neil Bush by Bill Berkowitz
Friends Roundup:
- Etherealgirl's Adventures in Cyberland – Great post on Jewish Paganism and reconnecting with Shekinah: “As a result, Gafni said, our culture has gotten so devoid of spirit that paganism is needed to rescue ethics itself. ‘All ethical failure comes from a lack of eros. When you’re moved to act unethically, what is happening? You’re responding to a primal insecurity. In order to be ethical, we have to be in eros. Bonfires, chanting, ecstatic dance, embodied ritual — all recapture divine energy.'”
- Virtual Pus – On selling hi-tech arms to countries dominated by Muslim dictators, the Constitution in exile, and please hold the Chalabi.
- Postcards from Hell's Kitchen – Boo to the family Christmas gifts: “Once again, the bag of gifts from family members hit a new low record for proving how well they actually know me: A giant box of microwaved sugar coated(!) popcorn, a Charleston Heston(!) movie on VHS (!), three pop culture violent films (!) DVD’s, and two shirts that didn’t fit.” Plus a great photo of old New York.
- Rosei Timeless Thoughts – Christmas in Brazil and two stunning brides. I’ve wiggled my way into your unconscious, Rosei! (grin)
- Where the Dolphins Play – On the difference between partisan politics and ethics: “Have we reached a point in this country where things are no longer looked at as right or wrong but only as right or left? Is it no longer ok to say that fenced off “Free Speech Zones” are wrong whether they’re done in Boston at the DNC or done by Bush at various public appearances both as Governor and now President. Can I not simultaneously disapprove of both the numerous GOP attempts at making it illegal to burn a flag and Hillary Clinton’s support for similar measure? Is it impossible for me to think that Kelo was an atrocious court decision while agreeing with other decisions made by the same justices? Exactly when was it decided that one’s conscience is the property of political parties?”
- heather anne dot org – Wonderful Christmas photos and two Walmart move reviews (she likes Is Wal-Mart Good for America?: Frontline a bit more than Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price).
- Grateful Bear – On Light and Irrational Advent.
- Zhayena – How to write text links, thoughts on blogs, and a public announcement on YELLING.
- AlterKarma – Breaking the winter break (and yes, buy yourself the iPod!), and a review of King Kong.
- ::Love Ministries:: – An interesting take on evolution and creation, a somewhat corny but touching Christmas tale, and the Christian Peacemakers response to a Presidential address.
- The Raven's Retreat – Great Christmas pix and some background on winter celebrations.
- Mystical Grrl – Tons of new quiz results for blog fun.
- Just Rambling – The story of the Wooden Bowl and thoughts on Human Angels.
- Philosofairy – Exponential Expressionism, occupational hazards of pizza delivery, and the karma police.
- Icey – Danie – A time of transitions.
- Gentle Breezes – uh-oh! Posts have disappeared. Are you on retreat?
- M.A.M. – A letter from Patrick J. Kennedy, and rants on Christmas wars.