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Take Action

Stop Corruption First – “As the first order of business Congress should pass an anti-corruption law to rein in lobbyists, toughen ethics rules, create an independent entity to enforce the rules and get serious about public financing of elections.”

Protect Communities’ Right to Know About Chemical Releases
Docket ID No. TRI-2005-0073 – One of our nation’s most successful environmental protections, the Community Right-to-Know Act requires industry to disclose information on chemical releases into nearby communities. (Congress ordered these annual “toxic release inventories” (TRI) reports in the wake of a 1984 accident at a Union Carbide factory in Bhopal, India, which released a poisonous gas and killed thousands, many of whom didn’t even know the pesticide was being manufactured in their community.) But now the EPA is proposing weakening these protections, by excusing companies from disclosing large spills and requiring the reports every other year instead of annually.Tell the EPA to protect our right to know about toxic chemical releases (it’s their job and purpose!), and to drop its proposed ruling.

Vote on Best Ideas for Working Americans
Since Sliced Bread‘s open call for new ideas to improve the lives of everyday working Americans has become a national conversation. Yesterday SEIU announced the 21 finalists — innovative ideas that address healthcare, education, retirement, minimum wage, taxes, energy, home ownership, civil service and many other bread-and-butter issues for ALL of us — and the American people are voting on the very best ideas SinceSlicedBread. Read the 21 finalist ideas, and cast your ballot for three of them now.

Don’t Take Grizzly Bears Off the Endangered Species List
Grizzly bears would be extinct in the lower 48 states were it not for the protections of the Endangered Species Act. Grizzlies already have been eliminated from 99 percent of their former habitat. Weakening current protections would further fragment and destroy their last remaining home. Stripping endangered species protection from Yellowstone’s bears would jeopardize their long-term survival. Millions of acres of the grizzlies’ habitat would be opened to oil and gas drilling and other development, and hunters would be permitted to kill bears that roam outside the park. Wyoming, Montana and Idaho all already have plans to allow grizzly hunting when the bears are delisted. The Bush administration is accepting comments on its delisting proposal through February 21st.

Don’t Throw Wolves “to the Wolves”
Top 3 Attacks on Wolves by the Bush Administration
* Returning management to Idaho, which passed a resolution to eliminate wolves “by any means necessary”
* Allowing continued aerial gunning of Alaska’s wolves
* Authorizing illegal wolf kills in Wisconsin and Michigan
Go to http://www.savewolves.org now to support strong federal protections for wolves.

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