5 thoughts on “Torture complicity

  1. Hello

    I am a member of AI Direct Action. It is deplorable that jurisdictions are being use to obtain torture through the backdoor.

    Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International must get their act together on the domestic situation here in the USA to be valid or just a devils advocate of The Lesser of Two Evils.


    David Nollmeyer

  2. The moronic Shrubberal worshippers who condone these things are 100% ignorant of history.

    The Founders, of course, were not-they knew that if “they” can be tirtured, your turn is coming. And this is a truth for even the most ardent worshipper of the Chimperor.

  3. A country which backed 3rd world dictators, which gave weapons & germ cultures to Sadam Hussein (ms) supporting his attack on & war with Iran and slaughter of the Kurds without a word of protest from the media or the state department is very unlikely to reject torture as a means of getting its way.

    Americans lack of awareness or interest in the outside world and ignorance of their own history may doom them to repeating the same errors again and again.

  4. What is torture to you? Certainly there is no mistaking the extremes of torture. Chopping ones fingers off as Al-Quaeda does is certainly an extreme. Perhaps eating my daughter’s cooking is at the other extreme. What constitutes acceptable torture or does the word itself create in a civilized mind something not acceptable? The word itself as Charles Stuart (author of Tyranny of Words) would say begs definition. Does leaving me in the dark for long periods of time fall out of acceptable treatment? How about playing music or various sounds constantly; or, well lite cell all night; or, dripping water when thirst is imposed? Dealing with the devil goes beyond civilized understanding. And, yes to the enemy we are the devil. But absent of killing someone, mutilating them, or otherwise causing bodily harm as the enemy does even creating videos to torment us with their barbaric ways of causing death, is psychological warfare torture?
    Eventually after the civilized world has caved in to the manical actions of the enemy, the common populace will demand extremes to rid itself of the vermin killing, maiming, raping its citizens. Until then the untainted will demand young men and women go to the wall and protect us while we sleep. Then we can arise and complain about the techniques that keep the night quiet so we can sleep peaceable

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