Woo-hoo Jury

Woo-hoo Jury

In addition to the JW District Convention, I got another invitation. This one I won’t disregard.

I have always wanted to do jury duty! Woo-hoo! Pick me, pick me!

I’m to show up near the end of the month.

Will Atlanta lawyers actually pick a good jurist? It remains to be seen.

(Pick me! Pick me!)

4 thoughts on “Woo-hoo Jury

  1. Sorry Heidi, but you have very little chance of getting on any Jury… You are too intelligent, well spoken, well read, and socially conscious.
    Maybe if you go in snapping gum, appearing to look five feet beyond the person speaking to you, and like, say, like, whateva, wearing a Wal Mart smock and a Pin that says “Bush/Cheney” next to another that says “I’d Rather Be Drinking”…….. Just a thought……..

  2. Hi Vi:

    I just got my own Juror Questionnaire… the first step into the New York District Court Jury Pool…

    Grand Jury is the one to get! It’s a month long and you hear 6 cases a day… and you don’t have the responsibility of declaring guilt or innocence! Makes for easier sleeping at night…

    Hey… I have had my blog “Frozen” by Blogger. They say it has characteristics of a Spammers site. So, they FROZE it til a human staffer can review it. That happened Friday morning and they said it would be reviewed within a business day. That didn’t happen.

    My hunch is the Google staff is all at a 4th of July Bbq til the 5th, so I’m S.O.L….

    … and pissed…

    Hope this doesn’t ever happen to you!

  3. Troy – I was thinking just to be silent until spoken to. I could look pretty mousy with my glasses and standard black jeans…

    Mr. HK – I don’t see anything about your site that could be considered “spammy.”
    Have you considered migrating to WordPress.org? They offer free blogs too and there are some nice bells and whistles. Also, the service is more dependable. Even the social network sites like Tribe or Yahoo would offer a better blog at this point. Just an opinion.

  4. Heidi,

    My neighbor had jury duty a while back. During voir dire the defendant (who was actually representing himself!) asked if she thought he was guilty. She said, “Well, you’re here because you must have done something wrong!” Can you believe she spent the next TWO WEEKS on that panel?!?


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