No, President Bush, it is not your government
This about sums it up. Bush really doesn’t seem to be able to accept the differences between American democracy and a kingship.
Bush declares himself absolute ruler: It’s ‘my government’
August 8, 2006 6:28 AM
Once again, President George W. Bush has shown complete disregard and utter contempt for the documents which define this country: The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Speaking in Crawford, Texas, Monday, Bush said:
“The loss of life on both sides of the Lebanese-Israeli border has been a great tragedy. Millions of Lebanese civilians have been caught in the crossfire of military operations because of the unprovoked attack and kidnappings by Hezbollah. The humanitarian crisis in Lebanon is of deep concern to all Americans, and alleviating it will remain a priority of my government.”
“My government?” Abraham Lincoln, in the Gettysburg Address, said the Constitution establishes a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.” The Declaration of Independence starts with phrase “We the people.” They say nothing of turning the government over to any elected official so that it becomes “my government.”
Presidents have administrations and they can, and usually do, refer to such as “my administration.” But Bush, we believe, feels his power is absolute and the government of this nation belongs not to the people but to him and him alone.
This is not the first time that Bush has disregarded the protections of freedoms that are the cornerstone of our Republic. His widespread abuse of power has forced the Supreme Court to slap him down again and again, especially on the abandonment of Constitutionally-guaranteed rights for detainees at Guantanamo and others held without due course in the hysteria following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The American Bar Association recently issued a report noting his abuse of the Constitution through a deluge of “signing statements” where he declares he does not have to obey laws passed by Congress.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, while serving as White House Counsel, wrote a memo that referred to the Constitution as “an outdated document” and Bush himself has expressed contempt for the very document he has twice sworn an oath to uphold and defend.
America is no longer a democracy or a democratic republic. Government no longer belongs to the people. The President of the United States has declared it do be a government of Bush, by Bush and for Bush.
In his own words, Bush calls it “my government.”
As has happened too often in the past, the fate of a nation and the world rests in the hands of a megalomaniacal despot who claims absolute power to wage war, destroy freedom and spread chaos.
© Copyright 2006 by Capitol Hill Blue
9 thoughts on “No, President Bush, it is not your government”
The Chimperor is simply doing as he has always done.
Throughout his life, there have never been any checks on his behavior. No matter what he wanted to do, Daddy would bail him out of whatever jam he got in. e didn’t have to work in school to get into Harvard and Yale, he didn’t have to fulfill even his joke of a military obligation, and he’s never had to account for all the businesses he’s ruined or the horrid mismanagement of the Governments he’s had his hands in, due to his rubber-stamp Legislatures. No, the Chimperor would have no concept of having to answer to anybody-he’s not had to do it yet, has he?
Although I enjoy Jolly Rogers spirit, I would think “Bush II” must answer to many.
Daddy (definitely), Council on Foreign Relations (possibly), United Nations (his policies seem to favor), Wizards of Corporate Media, Wizards of Military.
Actually, I’m a little surprised that Daddy hasn’t taken on a more solid advisor role – from what I remember about him, I’m not sure he would be in agreement on many of Jr’s policies.
I think the Presidency is a grand illusion anyway. I only wish they had respected us enough to have given us a better actor.
My government could be a term of endearment. When winning the hearts and minds of others, there’s nothing like taking an abstraction “government” and making it personal “my government”. He appears to be taking stewardship over his domain rather than owning it as an emperor might. With many forms of interpretation, I think your personal bias is getting in the way of your otherwise extremely perceptive analysis.
His arrogance never ceases to amaze me.
Brokr – can you think of another President who used this “term of endearment”?
It is not his domain, it is our domain. He serves us.
And although he uses the code word of “stewardship” to appeal to the pseudo-religious right, his anti-environmental policies show that he has no sense of what the word means.
I can’t take credit for the analysis – as you see, it’s a quotation. I can only shake my head and agree with it. Yes, it’s a small thing, but when you pay attention to the President’s discourse, his own attitudes are fairly obvious. This is just one example.
My contempt for america (or at least it’s public face) continues to increase. I wonder if a revelution would help? Perhaps they could go for a democracy next time.
VH- I have to disagree with your “acting” critique. I think he is very good at utilizing a mixture of “Don Knotts” & “Gene Hackman”, to almost overshadow the repetitive imagery within his speeches and press conferences.
Only a true professional could have pulled off the stoic, yet sinewy, facial expressions, performed in that classroom, during the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center buildings.
To be fair, he thinks “the government” is one of his dogs on the ranch.