Support the REAL Act for Realistic Sex Education

Support the REAL Act for Realistic Sex Education

Young people should be taught their values at home – and the facts at school.

If you’re serious about reducing abortion rates, you’ll support education on birth control and the realities of pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases. All our kids deserve every chance to make informed decisions about their behavior.

Empowering young people to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases and unintended pregnancy is the right thing to do.

I urge you to contact your congressional representatives to ask them to co-sponsor Sen. Frank Lautenberg’s and Rep. Barbara Lee’s Responsible Education About Life (REAL) Act (S.368/HR.2553).

(W)e’ll be working harder than ever to make sure young people get honest, age-appropriate sex education that will equip them with the facts they need to protect themselves from unintended pregnancy and STDs. But we need your help.

Anti-choice politicians in Congress continue to spend our tax dollars on unproven, ideological “abstinence-only” programs that hurt, rather than help, teenagers. Our kids deserve better – and so do taxpayers.

Honest, realistic sex education is the best way to reduce the spread of STDs and prevent teen pregnancy. The Responsible Education About Life (REAL) Act would set up the first-ever federal sex education program. Click here to take action to support the REAL Act.

Many federally funded “abstinence-only” programs actually censor lifesaving information that would help teens protect themselves. Many of these programs include blatantly false and inaccurate information, and some programs have been shown to actually increase the likelihood that young people will have unprotected sex and get pregnant. That’s why we need the REAL Act.

(NARAL/Pro Choice action)

One thought on “Support the REAL Act for Realistic Sex Education

  1. While I hope American youth are properly educated about STDs and the consequences of unprotected sex, I am very doubtful that this bill will pass. Why? Because Congress and the religious right appear to view such things as the consequence of unmarried sexual licence!
    The unfortunate fact is that most of Congress never have to suffer such consequences themselves (or if they do, its well hidden) Lack of personal experience encourages an apathetic or inadequate response. Its as if they are telling us “if you were a good, chaste, person, this wouldn’t have happened to you.” Which is a great way of blaming the victim.

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