Unconscious Mutterings 183

Unconscious Mutterings 183

Unconscious Mutterings

Weekly Unconscious Mutterings Meme – Week 183

I say … and you think … ?

  1. Affair :: of the heart, Family (that dates me), adultery, euphemism

    Family Affair: Season 2

  2. Package :: books, chunky, tied up wtih string, delivery
  3. Warner :: Brothers, Time, Dena, cartoons
  4. Drop :: cookie, balance, from the tree, down, silver, drip
  5. Balance :: drop (nice reversal there), sneakers, beam, centered, judicial, viewpoint
  6. Shore :: rocky, cliffs, New England, hug, lighthouse, hurricane, up
  7. Confirmation :: notice, payment, tickets, hearings, appointment
  8. Nose :: nuzzle, ugga-mugga, Pinocchio (and see HK), pry, needle
  9. Talking :: low, points, whispering, together, conversation, negotiation, reconciled
  10. Bend :: it (name of a song I used to warm up to), stretch, break, flex, rules

And here’s an example of the ugga-mugga, almost at the end.

Did you know that Mister Rogers once saved PBS from Nixon? This is terrific!

I would love to see a warrior of caring such as this change hearts and minds in Washingon today. I loved Mister Rogers (and I liked the comedy sketches based on him too – it was easy to make fun of him, and many did). But what a wonderful voice and what a great form of communication, especially for children. Now, as a mom, as an American, as someone who can still be affected even today by what he is saying here and how he is saying it, I can’t help but think that this is the kind of thing we’ve been missing in our public discourse.

We don’t have a love and peace movement, and I can’t see how one could succeed at the moment. Our religious leaders seem to present more of a problem than a solution. The progressive faithful still lack strong voices in the public sphere.

Are there still people who can speak in contemporary terms, who can speak like this? Wouldn’t that be something to see? Imagine how differently Senate hearings would go, for instance, if the testimonies rang with authenticity, not mendacity.

6 thoughts on “Unconscious Mutterings 183

  1. Hi Vi:

    First off… I did a TV project with Fred Rogers once. He was the same in person as he was on the air. A dear wonderful man!

    Second… I don’t know if you are aware but your site is loading in very slowly. It’s been going on for a while, and I kept thinking it would get better. This trip right now took 20 seconds to load.

    Third, Do me a favor and hop over to my blog and check out my new layout and comment… Will ya? One reader is saying the sidebar is bottoming on him… I need a second opinion.

    Fourth, Check out the DNA cube post on my blog today. It’s a very interesting quiz that i think you’ll enjoy doing yourself. But you might go right past it without realizing what it is. Mouse over the individual colors for a reading…

    Fifth, I’m still working on the Weird Meme… Is it weird that I’m still working on it? Great, that’s a good first one! Hehe.

    Sixth: Have a great evening!

  2. Wow – you worked with him? I’d love to hear about it!

    Yes, the site loading problem is irritating to me too. It’s the ranking code for Technorati and Truth Laid Bare, which you have to have to be listed. It goes and checks on current status, I suppose. Technorati is much worse. I’ve moved them both down to the footer, which might help some. If you notice what is loading (across the bottom of your browser when it’s “thinking about it” let me know. Also, my server seems a bit slow overall lately as well. I’ll check into it.

    Your Flickr stuff slows you down a little in the same sort of way, but at least you get to display pics. At 800, the last photo moves to the next line, but I think most people are surfing at resolution 1024 at least now, so that’s probably ok. I’m using Firefox, but if the sidebar is bottoming in IE it may be a workwrap issue – I’m guessing that you might want to hard-break your archives listings, or create a style class to enclose the referrer code at slightly smaller font? Speaking of font, is mine too small? It’s perfect for my own viewing, but it looks really small at work.

    Did the DNA quiz. You’re right, it’s my kind of thing.

    You got your first weird thing for sure!


    Try again. (grin)

  3. I have the most amazing letter from Mister Rogers. The day he died was such a sad one for me. I miss him constantly. Thanks for writing about him.

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