Speak up today for Net Neutrality as Condition of Merger
Remind the FCC and Congress that they must serve the public interest by making nondiscrimination on the Internet a permanent condition of the AT&T-BellSouth merger. Be heard today!
Take Action
Don’t Let Ma Bell Monopolize the Internet
The AT&T and BellSouth merger would resurrect the Ma Bell monopoly that ruled communications for decades. But this new corporate behemoth would no longer control just phone calls. The new AT&T wants to become gatekeepers to all digital media — television, telephone and Internet — at the expense of the free and open Internet that so many Americans rely upon.
The merger is now in the hands of the FCC. They’ll rubber stamp the deal unless the public speaks up.
We can’t let the new AT&T jeopardize essential Internet freedoms. Tell the FCC to make Net Neutrality a permanent condition of the merger.
By clicking on submit your letter will be sent to all five FCC commissioners and your members of Congress.
3 thoughts on “Speak up today for Net Neutrality as Condition of Merger”
The Chimperor is all about Stalinist collectivization, after all. He’d probably not mind it much if Stalinist starvation resulted from it.
It makes sense to me that net neutrality not be a precondition of any merger, but should be addressed industry wide. The antitrust divsion of the Department of Justice already researched this proposed merger and found that the deal would “not likely to reduce competition substantially [or] harm consumer welfare”. DOJ also noted that their is little geographical overlap as Bellsouth does almost all of its business in the southeastern US.
I work with the Hands Off the Internet coalition and am opposed to net neutrality regualtions that have been proposed in Congress but again believe this is an issue best addressed industry wide and not on a case by case basis.
Hi Heidi! Miss you so much, dear!! I´m stopping by for catching up. I´m behind with reading your blog, since I´m already in the new apartment, fighting with my dial-up internet connection *arrgg* Hope everything is well!!