2 thoughts on “Net Neutrality

  1. While you’re listing sites relevant to the net neutrality discussion, I’d direct you to the Hands Off The Internet website. I work with their coalition, and we hold a slightly different take on the net neutrality debate.

    Our view is that handing regulation of the internet over to the government is a dangerous idea–once we turn it over to Washington, it will stay there, and be subject to all of the red tape and bureaucracy of Washington. What’s truly a concern, in my own view, is the fact that the government is designed to react slowly and take its time deciding on issues. That works fine for most things, but with respect to something like the internet, which changes literally overnight, it’s just a bad idea.

    At any rate, you can see more of our positions on our website, http://handsoff.org.

  2. At this point, I’m most concerned with the potential effects of the proposed BellSouth/ATT&T merger. I’m not so big on regulation – to me it should simply roll back to the way it was before. Let it be a legal issue, a consumer issue, with rewards to whistleblowers or something like that. In the sense that it does concern communications networks and media, it is already in the arena of the FCC, but there needs to be something a little more aggressive without turning the oversight into a new problem.

    My feeling at this point is that the groundswell of discussion on this topic is promising. It’s creating cyborg communities of people who don’t agree on much else except that they don’t like what is happening or how it has been happening.

    I’m not an expert on the topic – but any action that makes this an issue for public debate is a good thing at this point. Maybe we could have a real discussion instead of just the regular pay, play and grab of power.

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