YouTube Al Jazeera English Channel
In an interesting move, the Al Jazeera English channel put a video on YouTube asking for feedback videos on the YouTube channel. What are people’s perceptions, views, and suggestions?
(An aside – wow, is that anchorwoman Ghida Fakhry ever pretty!)
As you might expect, the video responses were of varying quality. Many respondents disguised themselves. One hid a pretty nasty message in pig latin. Others used it to interview for a job, or to express various opinions of their own. Here were a few that stood out to me for one reason or another.
The Hands-Down Best Critique.
Under pressure (including murder) to dilute reporting, now importing “BBC” types for the English channel.
(Journalist author filmmaker John Pilger)
To Address Preconceptions, Change to a Neutral Name (i.e. “Associated Press”)
Paris Hilton (etc.) vs News – any questions?
And, my favorite…
Save Me Some Brain Ache, Please.