Paul McCartney Torture Song?

Paul McCartney Torture Song?

The official video for Paul McCartney’s new single “Nod Your Head” reminds me of clapping your hands at a Peter Pan show “if you believe in fairies.”

[youtube width=”300″ height=”174″][/youtube]

But listen to it. There is a necrophiliac conformist robot quality to the whole thing.

Then I’m picturing a woman tied up, being tortured perhaps – why would someone need to “nod their head” unless they couldn’t speak? I’m picturing some sociopath saying “Yeah, baby, you can’t speak, but if you love me, if you really love me and you want to live, just nod your head. Blink your eyes and I’ll stop. Really.” Of course, his recent history with women isn’t that great. In any case, it has a very dark air to me. It’s a little scary.

If you really love me baby, nod your head.

[youtube width=”300″ height=”174″][/youtube]

If you like the life you’re living, nod your head.

Maybe it’s just me. Or maybe it’s still, even now, appropriate to ask how Sir Paul sleeps at night.

Or maybe – he’s the one tied up, unable to speak?

2 thoughts on “Paul McCartney Torture Song?

  1. Hey Dr Virus

    Lighten up my friend.

    Its not torture unless you’ve been tied up for the purpose of forcing you to listen to Sir Paul’s latest drivel. The entire song, after forcing myself to listen to the whole piece (at your request, oh so cruel) appears to be simply inane and up to my expectations.

    Hmm maybe you have a point, if we all nod our heads will he stop??????

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