Disturbing Lies, Hate, Incitement to Violence
I’ve been profoundly disturbed by seeing certain kinds of beliefs and accusations that I’m observing – not only from under-informed folk at rallies, but even from so-called christian blogs and in emails from people who should really know better.
We have a deep need to feel better about ourselves as a nation, but lying to ourselves isn’t the way to do it, and neither is hate or fear or scapegoating or any of those other strategies that have been used here and elsewhere to such destructive effect. Smears, lies, hatred and incitement to violence do not reflect well on anyone. Can we agree on that?
My prayers today are for the ones who consider themselves christians, but are participating in this kind of thing. I sincerely hope that you will be able to receive the guidance that you seem to need, and can re-attune to the deepest message and source of your faith from where you are right now.
Regardless of who you decide deserves your vote, it’s time to get back on speaking terms with the best within you, not the worst.
The state of this country right now can be (at least partially) attributed to the successful demonization of anything and anyone remotely left-wing, liberal, progressive – even centrist Democrat – by the increasingly off-track right wing and its public propagandists. I have been resisting the idea that any significant number of Americans could be taken in by these machinations, but I’ve been thrown off by some of the stuff that I am seeing today. I’m sure you’ve seen some of it, too.
It is not only unseemly and depressing that some Americans can be so easily propelled by the worst that is within them, but it also brings an ethical responsibility for the results. Be careful of what you bring on, Palin and McCain (and all of the surrogate voices).
All of this talk about Barack Obama being an Arab or a Muslim or a terrorist (and don’t all those words start to kind of blend together?) really bothers me on a number of levels.
First, it reveals our national prejudices in a particularly nasty way. Does it not occur to you that there are American Arabs and Muslims? What’s wrong with you?
You can’t conflate these things. All Arabs aren’t bad. All Muslims aren’t bad. Just as all Christians aren’t bad. Think on that. Remember the Crusades, and the Inquisitions, and the way some contemporary Christians want to turn this nation into a kind of theocratic dictatorship that completely misses Jesus’ call and message. The militant and controlling delusions of the super-authoritarian fringes among ALL of the “people of the book” is very troubling.
And then, there’s just the plain facts that Obama is not an Arab. He’s not a Muslim. He’s not a terrorist.
He’s not anti-American.
He’s not a traitor.
He’s not a mole.
I cannot believe I’m seeing this kind of thing.
Barack Obama is not a socialist, either. He’s a capitalist – just not the kind of capitalist that will exploit and plunder our economy or our environment because of rampant corruption and greed. He’s not the kind of capitalist that will appoint former industry lobbyists as directors of the organizations meant to oversee those industries. He’s not going to put the interests of the top 5 percent over the interests of the 95 percent, but he’s not talking a revolution of the masses either. Obama is actually rather centrist, fair, practical and level-headed. His plans call for a strengthening of the middle-class, the backbone of our nation. If the middle-class falls, multinationals will simply take their business elsewhere.
Now, Barack Obama isn’t a messiah either, and those who either over-idealize him or criticize him (on the basis that some people are pretty desperate for such hope as he could represent) exaggerate his importance. However, I think he could do some real good for Americans, for America, and also for world stability. He does make me feel hopeful that we might be able to start to undo some of the terrible damage that has been done.
People have used the methods of terrorism for a long time. Wake up! If you want to fight terrorism, don’t be terrified and manipulated!
Do you really think it’s a coincidence that our friends and allies – after dealing with Bush for 8 years – would overwhelmingly prefer to see Obama elected than McCain? Are they all evil then? Have we become that insular and self-centered and frightened that we can’t take a good hard look at what has happened to our status among the rest of the world’s population? They think the populace here must be stupid and crazy, living in a dream world.
I think that Barack Obama and Joe Biden have a much better chance of helping us to navigate through the next few years than do John McCain and Sarah Palin. I am very disappointed in how McCain has changed, and I’ll be nice and not give you my list of Palin criticisms today.
We really are in a huge mess on a number of different fronts – both internally and externally – and we need the best we can get. My vote is for Barack Obama. As we find out more and more about what the Bush/Cheney administration has really cost us – and I fear we’ve not even seen the half of that yet – we need someone like him.
4 thoughts on “Disturbing Lies, Hate, Incitement to Violence”
Hi Heidi,
After watching all of the presidential debates, as well as those between VP candidates Biden and Palin, as well as doing a ton of reading on my own, I will not be voting for Barack Obama.
It’s very difficult to decipher who is telling the truth and who is lying about their voting records in the past and what they “promise” to do in the future, especially since so many news media channels and stations lean one way or the other. Is there really any neutral news media out there? I’m not so sure.
I personally believe there is a lot of misleading statements, outright lies and dodging questions being tossed around to confuse voters on purpose. The candidates position on partial birth abortions/late term abortions is an important one for me in my decision of who to vote for and who not to vote for. McCain-Palin get my vote.
Lin´s last blog post – What Your Clothes Say About You Men
The abortion issue is controversial for a reason, not the least of which is the fact that the rhetoric confuses the issue on both sides. Obama is against the procedure of “partial birth” abortion, but he is for appropriate reproductive education, birth control, and the right of a woman to choose. Please note that the procedure of “partial birth” is a separate issue from that of late term abortions per se.
I was against the same bill, because it had no provision for the health of the woman and women matter too.
I’ve written on this issue before, and I suspect we have more in common here than you would think. Abortion is an important issue, but frankly, there are bigger ones right now.
Is it ever wrong to terminate a pregnancy?
May She Be the New Jesus (so to speak)
Violence is the Fault of Pro-Choice – Meme?
Support the REAL Act for Realistic Sex Education
Bait and Switch Crisis Pregnancy Centers
Woman as “Pre-pregnant†Incubators
Napoli: Sodomy of religious virgins might justify abortion
Reproductive Regression
Notes on “Feminaziâ€
Help Lower Abortion Rates
Parental Consent – What planet?
Abstinence-Only Education Teaches Blatant Lies
Viewing from well outside the battle lines as an observer. I find I must agree with mush of what you say about the tactics and ploys that seem to be being used in you’re current election.
But I fear its deeper than you can see from such a close vantage point.
Even here in Australia we have heard the savage attacks on members of both parties. I cant recall an American election where the rest of the world has seen such bitterness displayed by both ends of the political spectrum. The vilification seems endemic, and deeply divisive.
I hope that at the end everyone can step back and realize you are one nation. That you can be, and should joined by more than that which divides you.
Who is the terrorist:
One who utilizes the systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve political objectives.
Kind of like dropping bombs on civilians in Viet Nam.