Our Thanksgiving Prayer
Dear Lord and Lady – the mediators –
And to the Sweet God above all gods –
We thank you for this meal that we are here to enjoy together.
We pray for those who are sick, lonely, afraid, and in need – that you may send them strength and comfort.
Protect us from domination and destructive intent – and help us to combat it in fairness and love.
Help our leaders to remember, and to honor, the well-being of the people – all the people – everywhere in the world.
We humbly ask that you provide what we need for our souls and bodies and minds to grow and be well.
Help us to attune to that sweet spot of thriving – between order and chaos – as we navigate our world.
Forgive us our shortcomings, and help us to forgive those who hurt us.
Help us to be mindful, loving, patient and kind.
May we dwell with the Spirit, in gratitude, and with brave and compassionate hearts.
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