TV Land

TV Land

I haven’t really been a dedicated watcher of any regular television show for some years now.

Since we finally replaced our ancient tv at Christmastime with a huge flat-screen, I’ve really been enjoying my nightly political news. My hero Rachel Maddow is almost real-size! What a treat it was to finally watch Elmer Gantry, and I got a good chickflick dose with The Holiday and The Notebook.

Sometimes I just feel like relaxing and being entertained. I flip through the channels – most of it doesn’t interest me. I’m not big into “reality” shows, but I sometimes like the ones that show how different people’s lives can be from one another – like Trading Spouses and whatever that one was with the British nanny. I wish that Holmes on Homes guy would come renovate *my* house. I enjoy profiling, and shows like Snapped if it’s an unusual case. The first couple of seasons of 24 were interesting, but I lost interest when they brought in torture (it *was* on Fox!). I’ve attempted to get into a regular schedule with my collections of Twin Peaks and Ultraviolet – but those haunt me so much that I can only watch them once in a while. I like the odd something on the History channel or PBS, but nothing was grabbing me tonight.

Then – I caught a show that’s been on for a long time but I had only caught a minute here or there before. I’m not really in tune with what’s popular, and I had written it off just because of the title.

So now I’m busy every Sunday night at 9 pm, because that’s when Desperate Housewives is on. I just watched two back-to-back episodes – Lovely and The Chase. It looks like tomorrow’s episode follows from there – YAY! It’s been on since 2004! I’ve already missed six whole years?!?!?!

I’m fairly sure that some of my friends will find it amusing that I’m enthralled with this show.

What can I say?

3 thoughts on “TV Land

  1. It is kind of funny that you’ve only just now gotten into the show, but the good thing about it being in it’s sixth season is that you can catch up with earlier seasons on DVD. 😉 I’m a Twin Peaks fan, too. I have a few shows I watch regularly (LOST, Supernatural), but I often just don’t have the time to keep up with many shows anymore.
    .-= Beth (Margie and Edna’s Basement)´s last blog ..Food Friday =-.

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