Pre-Election Roundup
Some various items from the last few weeks…
World Poll: Strongly Favors Barack Obama – Only Pakistan’s respondents said they would prefer to see Mitt Romney win November’s election.
THE CHOICE: The New Yorker’s Endorsement of Barack Obama
How U.S. Stimulus Bested U.K. Austerity
Sorry, U.S. Recoveries Really Aren’t Different
Team Romney still fighting arithmetic
The Plutocracy Will Go to Extremes to Keep the 1% in Control
Bork? Bolton? 9 Romney Advisers You Need to Know About
‘Moderate Mitt’: Neocon Trojan Horse
Under Romney’s Plan, US Auto Makers Would Have Died
Romney & Company Shipped Every Single Delphi UAW Job to China
Mormon Mitt in Bed with Big Tobacco
Inside Bain’s Chinese Sensata Factories, Where Workers Put in 12-Hour Days for $.99-$1.35 an Hour
Employees of Romney Family’s Secret Bank Tied to Fraud, Money Laundering and Drug Cartels
Romney Supports Welfare – For Corporations
GOP Platform Calls for Nuking What’s Left of McCain-Feingold Law
Romney Cites Study Based On Repealing Almost All Middle Class Tax Breaks To Bolster His Tax Plan
Gender Inequality Map – Women in Utah have it the worst. There, the average working woman makes 55 cents for every dollar the average working man makes.
Marco Rubio Helps Demonstrate that the GOP Simply Opposes Paying Women Fairly
GOP Rep. Tells Employers To Intimidate Their Workers Into Voting For Romney
Court Requires Disabled Rape Victim To Prove She Resisted
Pennsylvania Bill Would Reduce Welfare Benefits For Women Who Cannot Prove They Were Raped
GOP Congressman Says Abortion Is Never Necessary To Save A Woman’s Life
Anti-Choicers Show Their True Colors
Palin, Trump continue to lead right-wing hate party against Obama
With ‘Dreams From My Real Father,’ Have Obama Haters Hit Rock Bottom?
Maryland pastor tells anti-gay group: LGBT people are ‘worthy of death’
Missouri Pastor Goes Viral on Gawker: Separation of Church and Hate
Paul Broun: Evolution, Big Bang ‘Lies Straight From The Pit Of Hell’ – Broun is a high-ranking member of the House Science Committee, of which Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) is also a member.
Tea Party Voter Suppression Group Under Investigation
Clear Channel takes down voter fraud billboards – The anonymous sponsor of the ads is still unknown. Clear Channel Outdoor is affiliated with Clear Channel Communications, which is majority-owned by private equity firms Bain Capital and Thomas H. Lee Partners.
FBI Investigating Hoax Letters to Voters in Florida
Ohio county sends voters wrong election date, directions to polls
Third instance of Republican voter registration dumping found in Virginia
Virginia AG won’t investigate GOP worker who dumped voter registration forms
Department of Justice: Investigate Tagg Romney owning voting machine in Ohio
Georgia Charter Schools, Amendment 1 (2012) – Vote No!
Georgia Multi-Year Rental Agreements, Amendment 2 (2012) – Vote No!