Hiding Monetary Policy Now?

Hiding Monetary Policy Now?

It has been standard modus operandi of this administration that when it doesn’t like the facts, it stops the flow of information. Here’s yet another example.

We all know that the government prints money, and regulates the amount it prints to help control some factors of our economy. Whatever your theories or ideas might be about the Federal Reserve, this is public information. We deserve to know.

A number called M3 exposes the full extent of the Federal Reserve money production. M3 currently shows that the money supply is exploding.

So – guess what? They’re going to stop reporting the M3 number starting March 23.

Fortunately, there’s a bill in Congress that would force the Fed to continue publishing M3. Please support this bill!

Click here http://action.downsizedc.org/wyc.php?cid=44 to tell Congress to pass H.R. 4892, the Sunshine in Monetary Policy Act.

Or simply call your Senators and Representative to register your support of this bill. This is one way you really can help.

We have to register the fact that we are aware of these attempts to withhold information from the American people.

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