Least Favorite Household Chore?
Well, much as I detest the role of the hausfrau, there is a lot to be done around here today.
Here’s your chance to chime in, folks!
What is your most avoided, least favorite chore? The one thing you’d trade almost any other chore (or even two) to avoid doing?
Mine’s washing the kitchen floor, and it’s on the list of things I must do today. There are sticky bits and places where coffee has been sloshed, and there are little crumbs, and little bits of airborne floaty garlic shells, and a dead spider. It can’t continue. Sweeping isn’t enough, not anymore. Sigh. Deep sigh. Shudder. Resolve.
See you tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel.
7 thoughts on “Least Favorite Household Chore?”
I have two chores indeed: cleaning the bathrooms (we have three in this apartment) and washing up. I´d add cooking too, but well sometimes I like discovering new dishes 🙂
Take it easy and have a nice Saturday, Heidi!
Kitchen floors are pretty high on the list. Scrubbing the hard water gunk off the shower doors, though, takes the prize. I HATE HATE HATE that chore.
I hate all floors. Anything to do with them.
Washing dishes. Ewwwwww. I love ironing, but Mom doesn’t so she thinks I’m a little strange. LOL 🙂
THE BATHTUB! Since my kids take baths – it has that icky GROSS ring around it – and I have well water.
OK. Cleaning tubs and shower and shower curtains is my second least favorite.
I don’t mind washing dishes unless they’ve been sitting for a while. Anyway, I’m so spoiled in having a dishwasher now. We’re trying to apply the direct dish insertion method (lol).
My least Favourite task is cleaning the refrigerator. I’m not sure why, but maybe its the hidden bits & pieces of rotten food hidden under the crisper, or cleaning the little egg thingies, or having to take everything out and then putting it back. I really don’t like to do refrigerators! My second hated task is cleaning the oven, but that’s because I’m allergic to all oven cleaners. I can’t go into the room after an oven cleaner has been use for at least 2 hours.