Watch Me Turn into a Jaguar

Watch Me Turn into a Jaguar

This is a fun thing from Defenders of Wildlife, whose current projects include working to end aerial gunning of wolves in Alaska and the slaughter of wolves in in the Northern Rocky Mountains of Idaho and Wyoming, trying to prevent the extinction of Florida panthers and protect polar bears from global warming (and Big Oil’s disastrous drilling plans).

Now… watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat (obscure reference to amuse my generation of cartoon watchers).

I used to have a morphing plug-in, but lost it when I upgraded my graphics software.
Comment if you know of any current ones. The one they are using isn’t nearly as good as the one I used to have.

2 thoughts on “Watch Me Turn into a Jaguar

  1. Actually, I usually go for chipmunk, but they didn’t have it. The owl and the bat looked too creepy, so… what’s your animal?

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