National Study on the Internet

National Study on the Internet

I was contacted today by a researcher at Stony Brook University in New York. He asked that I make available to VirusHead readers this opportunity to participate in a national study of how people make sense of the information they encounter on the Internet.

The survey takes roughly 10 minutes or so to complete, and responses are completely anonymous. Participants will be eligible to enter a raffle for a $50 Gift Certificate to

Note: This study has been approved by Stony Brook University’s Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects.

I will abstain from further comments at this time, in deference to the method of the study.

She turns to leave the room, but….

Just one thing… (Imagine Columbo)

It reminds me of something I saw at a Zoo or Park once (Was it Six Flags? Atlanta Zoo? Some place in Massachusetts? I don’t remember). There were signs all over the place, advertising the rare and unique “Red Bat.”

Eventually, you come upon the booth for the “Red Bat.”

Looking inside the tiny window, you see a baseball bat painted red.

Then you encourage others to go see the rare and unique red bat.

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