Protests Planned for Bush Belgium visit
Stop Bush! Protests against President Bush’s visit to Belgium!:
Sunday 20/02/05 from 3:30pm, protest and concerts on the steps of the Beurs/Bourse, central Brussels
Monday 21/02/05 at 5:30pm, protest at the US Embassy
Tuesday 22/02/05 at 3:00pm, meeting at Jubelpark for a demonstration heading to Schumanplein (Council of Ministers)
Ok, so here are the reasons for the protests during the Bush Condi Rainbow Tour:
“11 Reasons to Stop Bush
# The United States represents the major obstacle to a world order based on international law.
# The European Union must not be hindered by the negative policies of the US, and must tackle the world’s most important problems of the world in cooperation with the other countries of the North and South.
# Global warming: by positioning itself outside of the international community and unilaterally rejecting significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, the US is undermining the efforts of other nations.
# The US is the world’s number one emitter of greenhouse gases per capita, and the most responsible for climate change and the growing number of victims of this global disaster.
# Human rights organisations condemn a policy of human rights violations at home and abroad in the name of national security.
# The aggressive stance of the US against the International Criminal Court.
# The invasion and occupation of Iraq by US troops is in violation of international law, and have led the country into a spiral of violence.
# A disturbing rise in the US defense budget leaves little room for urgently needed domestic programmes to help the poor, nor for aid to developing countries.
# Peace and development aid organisations demand that the US respect humanitarian laws, including those against nuclear proliferation, against weapons using depleted uranium, and banning antipersonnel mines.
# The US must stop the use of cluster bombs, and oppose the proliferation of light arms.
# US authorities must cease all forms of torture and mistreatment, firmly condemn its practice, and allow independent investigation of all cases in which the US may be involved.