Conflict of Interest – Gray at Fox News

Conflict of Interest – Gray at Fox News

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To: Roger Ailes
Chairman and CEO Fox News

I am writing to add my voice to those supporting David Brock in the matter of C. Boyden Gray

We demand that Fox News Channel remove C. Boyden Gray from his position as a Supreme Court analyst. Gray’s involvement as a leading player in the coming Supreme Court nomination battle makes him an inappropriate choice to serve as an analyst for Fox News, and Fox’s failure to disclose Gray’s conflict of interest to its viewers only compounds the problem.

Gray is founder and chairman of the Committee for Justice, a group formed to advance the confirmation of President Bush’s judicial nominees. In a May 24 profile of Gray, The Washington Post reported: “Every Monday morning for months, veteran Washington lawyer C. Boyden Gray has plotted strategy via a conference call with the heads of groups that want to ease the confirmation of President Bush’s judicial nominees. He has also spent many hours raising millions of dollars for the cause.” The Committee for Justice has stated its intention to shape the way the media cover the nomination of a new justice. “Our goal is to not let their analysis or spin become defining, and put them on the defensive,” group spokesman Sean Rushton told the Post in a June 29 article.

Followup added July 8th: He no longer appears to have the title “Supreme Court Analyst” at Fox – but keep an eye open.

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