Crawford Vigil Goes On

Crawford Vigil Goes On

Cindy Sheehan needs our help!

Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, California, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq on April 4, 2004, traveled to Crawford, Texas with hundreds of anti-war activists to confront President Bush at his Crawford ranch. Sheehan wants to ask Bush, “Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?” and demand a speedy withdrawal of troops in Iraq. During their march in the 100 degree heat, the protesters were forced into a ditch teeming with fire ants. Sheehan, who co-founded Gold Star Families for Peace, refuses to leave until the President comes out to speak with her.

She would like President Bush to explain this noble cause to her. “We deserve and expect him to welcome us with answers to as why our loved ones are dead.” On Thursday Rice and Rumsfeld visit the ranch, and Friday is a fundraiser event for the haves and the have mores.

Mr Bush did not know her son’s name when she and her family met him in June 2004. Mr Bush, she said, acted as if he were at a party and behaved disrespectfully towards her by referring to her as “Mom” throughout the meeting.

Her site is at

Daily Kos has lots of information and links to help Cindy Sheehan in Crawford Texas. Join Code Pink in a fast, write letters, send funds, show up and join the protest if you can. Code Pink, Gold Star Families for Peace and Military Families Speak Out are helping, and there is a thread at DU with the latest information.

For more background, see her 2004 interview at Buzzflash, her testimony at the Downing Street Memo hearings, her ad for, and the story according to CNN – as well as some excellent photos of what’s going on at the Lone Star Iconoclast.

Get a Google daily alert for news on Cindy Sheehan

Thanks to Gentle Breezes for the update.

7 thoughts on “Crawford Vigil Goes On

  1. Anti-War Mom: Another Ignorant Cow-

    – edited by blog webmaster –
    Full article illegally copied from above site and posted as though it were original to “Margaret Gray” – go to the link above to find the article with this title if you would like to read it. I cannot allow it to be republished on this site.

  2. Well, actually, once you start with calling her a cow, you’ve pretty much undermined anything further. She is an activist in her own right and has plenty of her own ideas.

    Hmm… Since it looks like you are writing from work – from the Spectrum Land Planning Inc network in Simi Valley CA at : (ooh, lots of military contracts here), I can see that your own work ethic is in need of brushing up. I don’t see any women listed in administration, architecture, etc – I’m assuming that you are a member of the support staff? Can I also assume you have the permission of the Phil Henrie Show at – to post his email and website as your alias – and to print his own article as though it were your own feedback to my post?

    Since this isn’t actually your own original argument or work, you really are on weak ground here…

    I think it is dishonorable that patriotic soldiers who honestly believe that they are fighting for their country are being killed under false pretenses. If you want to talk about mouthpieces, look to FoxNews, the people paid to promote this administration’s policies while posing as analysts, the numerous right-wing think tanks that carefully consider how to sell policies against the public’s self-interest, and so on. There is a huge difference between ethical corporate leadership and practice – which values both the environment and human workers because they ensure future profits – and a short-term greedy slash and burn zone for the top 1-2 percent of the American population.

    Haven’t seen any evidence that the President hasn’t been deceitful about the war and most everything else as well – but I have seen some evidence in the trail of action, the changing stories, the disregard, and the new laws that suggest to me that the left is more correct in its assessment than the right. Part of that has clearly been to simply smear (or worse) anyone who tells the truth or is a threat.

    Well, each to their own, Margaret (if that is your name?). Believe what you like – although you know plagiarism isn’t very nice.

    I think it says a lot about this president that he won’t be honest about the real reasons for the things being done. If he’s not doing anything wrong, why is there so much deceit and so much opaqueness? If you want to fight for American values, there is much to be done right here. Cindy Sheehan is doing her best – and without her own work and ideas, the other groups wouldn’t have such an event to rally up with and support. Yes, she has support, and I for one am very glad to see it.

  3. Oh, by the way, I’ll be deleting your other several hundred pages of plagiarism.

    This person is now cutting and pasting whole pages of forum boards to the comments, whole blog pages complete with blogrolls, etc. Enough.

  4. Silly me! This isn’t “Margaret” – it’s my old troll Atkinson!

    Your alias “Jay” asked if I ever teach… you say you’re an architect? I sure hope you own the firm, since you’re spamming my blog repeatedly with hundreds of pages of copied stuff – on record as using their network.

    IP noted for repeated spam of hundreds of cut and pasted pages including work of others, forums, blogrolls, etc under the names Margaret Gray, Jay Santos, marc and Atkinson. Previous spam and harassment from author/architect “marc” and “atkinson” at

    IP banned and blacklisted.

    Use of company network – Spectrum Land Planning Inc in Simi Valley CA

    TelePacific Communication TELEPACIFIC-BLK-1 (NET-64-60-0-0-1) –
    Spectrum Land Planning Inc SPECTRUM-LAND-PLANNING-INC (NET-64-60-63-240-1) –

  5. Hey evreybody-check back-this post will be gone because heidi is afraid of me. I’ve exposed her what she is : an intellectual fraud, who deserves a PhD like you deserve an “A”. She’ll delete this post within seconds, all in the name of inclusion and tolerance.

    “Can I also assume you have the permission of the Phil Henrie Show at – to post his email and website as your alias – and to print his own article as though it were your own feedback to my post?”


    Besides, you instantly delete real arguments I’ve posted, because you know I’m smarter than you. I’ve defeated every single one of your weak, emotion-driven shrieks with logic, facts, and history (see, I went to a university that demanded proofs, not assertions). like all liberals, you run away. Run away now, butterfly.

    Your lame repsonses on my blog are still there for all to see. Unlike you I enjoy a pointed debate. I’ve lost a few to true historians, but never to a liberal. Your defeaet was so quick as barely even fun. Maybe if you work up the courage you can try again. Maybe next time you won’t say idiotic things like “WE INSTALLED SADDAM” –that was priceless!

    If you knew jack about copyright law, you wouldn’t be stupid enough to issue lame threats.

    Here you go: here’s your senator-MAN..go sue me, doctor heidi: (OOPS…..REPUBLICAN)

  6. For the newer readers – all these posts are from the same insecure guy, so threatened by a woman with a PhD that he has fixated in this pathological way.

    No threats are needed – but just so you’re aware, the articles are indeed copyrighted. You posted them with no credit or quotation or permission under a fake name of Margaret Gray while you were at work using a company network and presumably being paid for other things than stalking a woman on the other side of the country. If that’s all right with the article’s author and your boss, no problem – but you might just want to make sure of that before you continue this harassment.

    Publication on the internet does not make it public domain.
    Oh, and it’s not the senator I would be notifying.

    Go away, troll. I have already asked you not to post here again.

    You are abusive and clearly pathological – and yes, I have deleted hundreds of pages from the blog, but not from my dated notifications which quote them in full. I have documented every contact and I would strongly advise you not to continue. Do you comprehend me?

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