Refreshing Rant – Intolerance

Refreshing Rant – Intolerance

Intolerant? Yup – of intolerance…. I’m with Mark Morford in this refreshing rant:

You, hate-mailers from the sanctimonious Right and even some of you morally paralyzed middle-grounders from the Left, are correct. I am, in fact, deeply intolerant. It is true. I can hide my deep biases and predispositions no longer.

I cannot, for example, tolerate the dark and violent road down which this nation seems intent on careening like an Escalade on meth. I cannot tolerate brutal never-ending unnecessary wars and I cannot allow gay rights to be bashed and I truly loathe watching women’s rights be slammed back to 1952. Or 1852.

I really have little patience for the gutting of our school system and the decimation of science and mysticism and the human mind for the sake of a handful of militant Christian zealots who truly believe the Second Coming will be arriving really soon but hopefully not before the next episode of HBO’s “Cathouse: The Series,” which they watch in secret with the lights off while clutching a Bible in one hand and a big tub of Country Crock margarine in the other.

I cannot tolerate an American president, ostensibly meant to be one of the most articulate and intellectually sophisticated leaders on the planet, mumbling his semicoherent support of the embarrassing nontheory of “Intelligent Design,” to the detriment of about 300 years of confirmed science and 10 million years of common sense to the point where America’s armies of dumbed-down Ritalin-drunk children look at him and sigh and secretly wish they could have a future devoid of such imbecilic thought but who realize, deep down, they are merely another doomed and fraught generation who will face an increasingly steep uphill battle, who will actually have to fight for fact and intellectual growth and spiritual progress against a rising tide of ignorance and religious hegemony and sanitized revisionist textbooks that insult their understanding and sucker punch their sexuality and bleed their minds dry.

I have surpassed my allowable limit for how much environmental devastation I can willingly swallow or how many billion-dollar tax subsidies our cowardly CEO president gives his cronies in Big Energy while doing nothing to ease our gluttony for foreign oil, all the while trying to tell us how many undereducated misguided American teenage soldiers we have to sacrifice at the bloody altar of oil and empire before we can call ourselves king of the bone pile again.


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6 thoughts on “Refreshing Rant – Intolerance

  1. WOWSER! That was awsome! Mark Morford can really turn a phrase. Wish I could write like he does. Maybe someday when I grow up; but, until then, it is great to have such a wondrous voice for truth.

  2. 1952 was a great year. Ike was President (a Republican),
    He pursued the moderate policies of “Modern Republicanism,” pointing out as he left office, “America is today the strongest, most influential, and most productive nation in the world”, Ike said.

    Cars were great, education was still something to be treasured, divorce and abortion still had a stigma attache dto them, and most people still didn’t lock their doors at night.

    But heidi can’t ‘tolerate it’.

    Heidi has no real basis for her argument so she resorts to name-calling:”militant Christian zealots”….”sanctimonious Right ”

    “America’s armies of dumbed-down Ritalin-drunk children”..
    (wasn’t it the APA that called for the classification of new age ‘diseases’ such as ADD ADHD as treatable by class III drugs…(umm-YES)……

    “sanitized revisionist textbooks “…This one’s a classic. Heidi thinks that it is the Right that is sanitizing textbooks!. I have a pretty solid knowledge of American history, and I answer questions from adults that shock me. Oh, they all know that Jefferson had slaves, and even had sex with at least one. They know that Washington was a rich white guy, and it ends there.

    But when I inform tham that it slavery was in fact formally objected to in this country as early as the late 1600’s, their eyes glaze over.

    When I tell them that is was an all-male, all-white congress that in 1865 drafted an dratified the 13th Amendment-in TEN MONTHSabolishing slavery, they couldn’t be more bored, because “bush lied, 1000’s died”…that, they just know.

    After these embarrassments of the American educational system recover from being stunned by the fact that is was REPUBLICANS who supported the Civil Rights acts as far back as the 1850’s, they just return to blabbering about ‘Halliburton’, and the ‘REichTuglicans’…(cacthy-that one)

    I think I’ll start asking them if they took a humanities class in Georgia.

    Keep stewing heidi- Roe v.Wade is next on the chopping block. As it should be.

  3. Hmmm… you did notice that you are quoting Mark and not me, right? In any case, I do agree, although he put it much more viciously and with more wit than I ever could.

    Interesting the argument you make here – especially in light of the obscene racist hate speech of your comment on the Dafur post.


  5. Hey-
    What do you think Art would say about all this time and effort you put into all of this bombast?

    No doubt he’s happy as a clam that one of his ‘girls’ is clacking away, arguing with a lowly cog in the wheels of industry.

  6. Well, if I was at work, that would cost me my job. Fortunately, I do have a work ethic. I blog at home – today I am here and so I can blog. I work as a consultant, on my own schedule. When I’m at work, I produce – and my boss values both my intelligence and my talent. Art likes my blog, actually, and would be just as offended as any decent person would at your calling me “one of his girls.”

    As for your other comment about a mythical mournful republican with a gun… I think what the neocons are doing is pretty evil, in the sense of being destructive to our country and its citizens. Of course not all Republicans are neocons. I would welcome some old-fashioned Republicans – what is happening now goes against Republican historical values too. I guess I’ll add new aliases to my documentation. Don’t you have some miltary housing to design or something? You say you have children – maybe you should tend to them and to your family and leave the stalking alone.

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