Ex-Boston Catholic Cardinal Law Given Vatican Post
This just in from silentlambs.org
You remember Cardinal Law right? Law was named in hundreds of lawsuits accusing him of failing to protect children from known child molesters. Now he’ll answer to no-one but the pope.
Ex-Boston Catholic Cardinal Law Given Vatican Post
Friday, May 28 2004 @ 08:10 PM EDT
Contributed by: AIACardinal Bernard Law, who was forced to resign as the head of the Roman Catholic Church in Boston after the priest sexual abuse scandal at the end of 2002, has been appointed by Pope John Paul II to become the archpriest of St. Mary Major Basilica, a church in a downtown neighborhood of Rome that is under direct Vatican jurisdiction.
Law, 72, will succeed 82 year old Italian Cardinal Carlo Furno. A Vatican official said Law will be "in charge of the administration of the priests and anything related to" the church, considered one of the 4 most important Catholic churches in Rome. Law, who will receive approximately $12,000 a month in the new post and live in a palatial apartment adjacent to the church, will have virtual autonomy in his position and will be one of the most powerful Americans in the Vatican system.
Al Baker’s story in theThe New York Times has more details.
Who knows? It may be an improvement – he’ll look after the basilica instead of real live human beings. And Sean O’Malley may get his chance to be the Cardinal.
Still, the big salary and fancy digs has got to be a slap in the face of the some 550 known victims of the predators that he knowingly kept in positions of power. I guess the church isn’t so much affected by the $85 million payout as it seemed at the time.